Our early years

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After 3 years I thought we all would have grown up a little bit. How wrong I was. We spent hours in the common room laughing and joking with each other.

Pansy is my best friend. She's the type of girl that you'd be scared of at first because of the way she carries herself. She exudes confidence and you can tell she takes absolutely no shit. Once you get to know her though then you see the funny, witty and sweet girl behind the facade.
She has beautiful pale skin and the deepest black hair I've ever seen cut neatly into a shoulder length bob. She's petite, delicate and beautiful and she gets told enough. If she doesn't get told, the looks she gets when she walks past anyone speaks volumes. We have been best friends since second year when we got seated next to each other in Herbology and both laughed when Draco was bitten by a Mandrake. Since then we just clicked and have been inseparable ever since.
Ezra is my other best friend.

I've known Ezra since I was a child. He's the only other person who has been through what I went through with my father because we met each other at Wool's Children's Home in London. That was where Voldemort was born, so I suppose it was only fitting that he adopted me from there too. Ezra and I grew up together, he was adopted at the age of 4 to a wealthy wizarding family who, by chance, were loyal followers of Tom Riddle.

I was adopted by the dark Lord around 6 months later, he never took care of me though as you can imagine. I was ultimately brought up by his servants and staff, although I was taught dark magic by him from the earliest possible age. With our families being so close and connected, Ezra and I became best friends again just like we were at Wools. Both of our families wanted Ezra and I to end up together and were eventually planned into an arranged marriage. As much as I love Ezra, it was never ever like that. Firstly I don't look at him in a romantic way and secondly, Ezra doesn't swing my way if you catch my drift. After the fall of my father this idea was thrown straight out of the window, thank Salazar. His parents died in the battle just like my father.
Ezra is such a bubbly ray of sunshine despite all of the trials and tribulations that life has thrown at him. How he was put into Slytherin I honestly have no idea, the man should've been put into Hufflepuff but I suppose his family must have influenced the decision of the sorting hat.

Our group of friends formed fully in third year when we were put into detention together by Snape. I tried to throw a note at the back of Pansy's head, but unfortunately I hit Blaise. Draco thought it was hilarious and honestly, I've not heard him laugh that hard since. After that escapade in Snapes classroom we all became inseparable.

I obviously knew of Draco before he joined the friendship group as his family were heavily influenced by my father, but we never seemed to form a bond as children. I suppose his family thought I was unworthy of their time and effort since I'm a 'half-blood', which I found to be very hypocritical since my father was a half-blood too.
Voldemort killed my parents when I was just a baby for being 'blood traitors', but I think that killing the families of two babies was just too much for him to handle so he took me on. Thats what I tell myself although I know it's not true. That's how me and Harry originally 'hit it off'. I told him my family was killed by Voldemort at the same time as his parents, however I missed out the part where my parents murderer brought me up and was using me to get close to him to make it easier for Voldemort to kill him; but that's in the past. At least for me.

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