The room of requirement

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Draco looked so handsome- he wore a black suit jacket, black trousers, black waistcoat, a white crisp shirt and a black tie. His hair slicked back neatly, his fingers covered in rings and a scent of mahogany and sandalwood aftershave.

He took my hand and led me down a long corridor not saying a word. We stood in front of a wall and a small door appeared- the room of requirement.

"Draco we could've just gone back to our dorm if you wanted to-" "shush. It's a surprise. Close your eyes and I'll lead you in. Do you trust me?" He asked. "With my whole heart" I said. I closed my eyes and he pulled me in by my hands. The door closed behind us, I heard some shuffling and Draco shakily say "open."

I opened my eyes and the room was filled with candles levitating, rose petals scattered on the floor and when I looked down...I saw Draco. He was knelt down on one knee, holding a box with a beautiful silver ring with a dainty emerald in the middle and three small diamonds either side. Oh. My. God.

"Y/n, the last 4 months have been the best 4 months of my life. I've known you all my life and I want to know you for the rest of it. Not just know you, I want you to be by my side, with my name as yours. I know it's fast but I love you irrevocably, unconditionally and with every fibre of my soul. I never thought I deserved or was even capable of love, but you've changed me in ways I can't comprehend. Y/n Riddle, will you do me the honour of becoming Mrs Malfoy?" He asked as his eyes filled with tears and his voice quivered with anticipation.

A huge smile began to grow on my face and I felt hot tears begin to fall down my cheeks. I knelt down in front of him and looked him in the eye. "Draco...yes! Yes! Forever yes!" He took my left hand in his and he placed the breathtaking ring on my ring finger.
He took my face in his hands and we kissed, more passionately than ever before. I felt tears running down both of our faces and love surrounded us both. We pulled away and looked at each other intently. "I love you Y/n Malfoy", "I love you too Draco. Dray, we have to tell everyone! They'll be so excited!" I beamed. "Of course darling, let's go."
He stood up and took my hand and pulled me up, he kissed me once more and we walked out of the room of requirement.

We reached the Slytherin common room, walked in and Draco dragged me over to the coffee table. He stood up on it and dragged me up there too. The crowds of students all turned to look at us when Draco let out a loud cough to get everyone's attention.
"Y/n and I have an announcement to make" Draco broadcasted to the room. He gestured for me to tell everyone and instead of using words, I brought up my left hand and showed my magnificent engagement ring to the room.
Cheers and screams of delight filled the room.

Ezra ran up to me picked me up from the table into a bridal lift (very fitting) and spun me around as I grabbed onto his neck giving him a massive hug. He planted a huge sloppy kiss on my cheek, gently placed me down on the floor and exclaimed "my best friend is engaged! I better be best man" he said raising his eyebrows at me. "I can do you one better than that Ez- would you walk me down the aisle?" I asked nervously but hopefully. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped and suddenly formed into a big cheesy grin, "fuck yes Y/n! Of course I will!" Pansy came running over and loudly cheered "I knew I'd need to be buying a hat soon!" I laughed and replied "calm down Pans, we've only been engaged 10 minutes I can't imagine there's going to be a wedding any time soon."

I turned around to see what Draco was doing and he was shaking hands with someone.
Draco Malfoy was shaking hands with Harry Potter, was I seeing things?
I walked over to attempt to diffuse any tension but to my surprise there was none. Draco had a huge smile on his face as did Harry. Once they'd finished shaking hands, Harry turned to me, said "congratulations Y/n", kissed me on the cheek and walked away. Wow, he really meant his apology. Draco and I looked at each other lovingly but we're soon interrupted by more congratulations from Hermione, Ron and other students at the party.

This was by far the most surreal night of my life and I'd almost forgotten about all of my worries.

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