Christmas ball

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Tonight is the night of the Christmas ball and the whole castle was buzzing with anticipation.

Thank god the only years able to attend the ball were our year and the two years below, no annoying lower years there to ruin the vibe.

The lower years had been compensated with a film night in their respective house common rooms- at least we still had our old Slytherin dorm room to ourselves.
The lads took full advantage of this and organised an after party for our year in the Slytherin common room. They'd invited all the houses which was a surprise but I suppose that we're grown ups now, we should all be able to have a drink together at least.

Pansy, Lana, Daphne and I all decided to get ready in Lana and Grahams dorm and the lads got ready together in Blaise and Ezras dorm. Us girls had music blaring from a large speaker that was enchanted to float in the corner of the room, fizz by the glass whenever we wanted and all of our things sprawled all over the floor, beds and bathroom. It was complete chaos, but that's us. Me and my girls had the best time getting ready, I thought this was going to be the highlight of the night to be honest.

After 3 hours of absolute carnage we were all finally ready.
Daphne was wearing a sapphire blue floaty long dress, it had one shoulder and embroidery detailing all down the left side. She wore crystal drop earrings and a crystal necklace, a silver clutch bag and silver sandal heels.
Lana was wearing a stunning two piece- a maroon high necked racer style blouse ending at her middle and a matching a-line skirt. She paired this with a white shoulder bag, white heels and pair of ruby earrings.
Pansy was wearing that stunning black dress that she picked up in Hogsmeade, black platform heels, a black leather clutch bag and a lace choker with her usual black ear stretchers. They all looked absolutely unbelievable, the boys were bound to be smitten.

I sat on the edge of Lanas bed and buckled the the back of my black leather sling back heels. My dress fit me perfectly, I looked rather impressive if I do say so myself.
I stood up and grabbed my black leather mini shoulder bag and slung it over my shoulder. I wore a pair of pearl earrings and that's when I noticed I didn't have a necklace. "Shit!" I exclaimed loudly. "What's up? Wow y/n, you look gorgeous!" Said Lana with a large grin lay across her face. "Thank you, so do you! I've just realised I've not got a necklace, you've all clearly thought ahead a lot more than me." I groaned. "Y/n, I've just got a note through the door. Draco wants you to meet him in the common room in 2 minutes." Smiled Daphne holding a piece of parchment covered in Dracos beautiful handwriting. "Ahh okay I better get a move on then" I said with slight panic in my voice. I sprayed a light spritz of perfume on my neck and my wrists and sighed "wish me luck." "Go and get it girl!" Shouted Pansy from the bathroom.

I opened the door, walked out and closed it behind me.
I walked down the spiral staircase and into the common room. I took a deep breath and began to walk through the common room over to the leather sofa that Draco was sat on with his back to me.
I walked in front of him and smiled. He looked up at me and his eyes widened and a smirk began to grow on his lips.

"Y/n you look...I...I don't have words" and for once this man was speechless. He stood up from the sofa and took my hands in his, keeping eye contact with me making my heart pound in my chest.

"Close your eyes" said Draco softly, his warm minty breath gently hitting my face. I closed my eyes and felt Draco move behind me. I felt his cold fingers caress my neck and some sort of stones hang around and clasped behind my neck. "Open" Draco whispered, I moved my hand to my neck to feel what he'd placed there and he'd fastened a beautiful pearl necklace around my neck.
He placed a gentle kiss on my shoulder and I spun round to face him. "Dray, I don't know what to say...this must have cost a fortune! You didn't have to do that- how did you know I didn't have a necklace?" I said, excitement, gratitude and confusion filling my voice. "You're my girl, it doesn't matter how much it cost. I'd sell the whole world for you and it still wouldn't be enough. Y/n you should know I know everything about you, and I mean everything" he said throwing me a wink.

I placed both of my hands on either side of his face and pulled him into a deep meaningful kiss. I pulled away and whispered "thank you" with tears in my eyes. "Come on princess, we'll be late." And he took my hand and walked through to the great hall.

The hall was decorated beautifully- silver tables scattered around the dance floor, a brass band set up on the altar at the front of the hall and stunning chandeliers enchanted to float and move around the room to cast a low moody lighting.
All the other students were already there, sat around the circular tables and walking and mingling with glasses of champagne in their hands.

"You ready?" Asked Draco. I took a deep breath, took his hand in mine and nodded. We walked down the staircase and walked through the grand double doors into the great hall. Heads turned and whispers began to surround us.
"Is that Riddle? With Malfoy? Holding hands?" I heard one of the Hufflepuffs whisper to their table of friends. Dracos hand squeezed mine and he reassuringly said "take a deep breath baby, you're safe. You're mine." We walked over to our table where our friends were sat and took a glass of champagne each.

The night was beautiful. Draco and I had danced, we drank with our friends and had such a laugh. I felt that Draco was unusually nervous for some reason, but I put it down to it being our first outing as a couple.

It was all going so perfectly until I felt a finger prod my shoulder attempting to get my attention. I spun around and saw Harry glaring at me. "Yes?" I snapped, not wanting to converse with him anymore than I had to. "Y/n, erm, could I have a word?" He asked quietly, I looked around to look at my friends and Draco and concerned looks dawned on their faces. "Alone." Harry confirmed. I thought for a minute and came to the conclusion that whatever he had to say, good or bad, Draco would protect me. "Yep, sure" and we both walked over to an empty table.

"Take a seat, please" he said as he gestured to an empty chair. I pulled out a chair and sat down, looking Harry in the eyes expectantly. "So, how've you been?" Asked Harry, trying to make small talk. "Come on Harry, I don't have time to make small talk. What do you want?" I snapped at him. "Why? Do you have to get back to your little boyfriend?" He sarcastically scoffed and I threw him a death stare.
I began to stand up from the table and Harry quickly apologised. "Sorry. I'm sorry. It's just strange seeing you two together." "What do you want Harry?" I asked again. "Fine. Look I know that you did your best and after all these years I am grateful for what you did. Truly, I am. I've made your life hell for years and I don't know how to make it up to you. But regardless of that, I felt...something. A shift. A change. Y/n... he's back." Harry said hesitantly. I thought for a moment and replied "yes...I know." "What? You knew and didn't tell me?" Harry accused. "Harry I've just found out that I'm a fucking horcrux, of course I know. I didn't think I needed to run everything past you. I appreciate your apology but it doesn't change how you treated me. Enjoy the rest of your evening." With that, I stood up and walked back over to my friends leaving Harry glaring at me from across the hall.

"Come on Harry, it's not worth it" I heard Hermione sneer as I walked away. Be the bigger person y/n, I thought.

As I reached the table I noticed that the rest of the hall was nearly empty, just us Slytherins left. "Right, we'll go and set up the common room. See you guys there?" Said Ezra to me and Draco. "No well c-" I was cut off by Draco "yes, we'll see you there in about half an hour."
Half an hour? What were we going to be doing for half an hour?

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