Its always been you

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After the party everyone went to bed if they hadn't passed out on the sofas and chairs in the Slytherin common room.

Draco and I reached our dorm room and he swept me off my feet into a bridal lift, muttered "alohomora" and carried me over to our bed.

He kissed me lightly on the forehead and I watched as he moved down to unbuckle my heels. He stood me up, turned me around and unzipped my dress. It fell to the floor and Dracos jaw dropped.
He'd only just realised I'd been wearing no underwear all night, and that excited him. I saw his erection grow in his suit trousers. He took off his shoes, blazer, waistcoat, tie and half unbuttoned his shirt.

He walked over to me, took my waist and whispered "you're so beautiful Mrs Malfoy, I'm so lucky that you're all mine." He moved me so I was lay on the edge of the bed, he parted my legs, got on his knees and began to trace his tongue incredibly lightly against my clit.

Sex with Draco was usually rough. Although he'd recently gotten much more comfortable with expressing his emotions, he used sex as a way to release all of his anger and frustrations. He'd take control 99% of the time, he'd spank me, bite me, leave marks and order me to do things at his command. We always had a safe word and if I didn't feel comfortable doing something then he'd always stop, no questions asked.

This time was different. It was gentle and meaningful.

He lightly traced my opening with his finger tips, slowly entered his middle finger and gradually moved in and out, curling his finger up to press on my sweet spot causing me to let out a loud gasp. I felt him smile against my heat and he sped up knowing what I wanted and needed.

He continued at the same rhythm for a while and I felt my orgasm building and building. He kept his tongue moving gently across my clit while muttering praises to me as I moaned for him. I finally reached the edge and cried "Draco I'm so close, fuck I'm going to-" and he pulled away. Removing his tongue and fingers from my throbbing pussy, I was left hungry and wanting more.

He stood up and leant over me to kiss me with his warm swollen lips, making me taste my wetness on his tongue.
He pulled away and looked me deep in the eye and groaned "I want the first time you cum as my fiancé to be on my dick, got it?" I smirked and nodded quickly.

He moved away and I propped myself up on my elbows to watch him undress. He slowly unbuttoned the rest of his shirt and threw it to the side exposing his well defined abs. He unbuckled his belt, unclasped his trousers and they dropped to the floor.

The anticipation was building in my core- being edged and then watching him undress made me want him inside me so much more.
He then pulled down his tight black briefs that hugged his erection, as soon as he pulled them down and kicked them to the side his hard length sprung up and hit his stomach. I could already see his member throbbing and pulsating, dripping with precum. He walked over to me, pulled my legs up over his shoulders and as he leant down to kiss me his dick slipped inside me with ease. "Oh Draco" I moaned and he replied by kissing me feelingly.

He slowly fucked me, making every stroke more pleasing and making me clench around him.
I closed my eyes in ecstasy until I felt him stroke my cheek, his cold rings against my skin bringing me back into the room. "I want you to look me in the eye when you cum for me beautiful" his words moved me closer to orgasm as he gently rubbed my clit with his thumb, his long hard cock thrusting in and out of me and his swollen tip hitting my g spot with every stroke.
He could tell I was close by the deep pink colour that my cheeks turned and my breath speeding up. "Come on baby, cum for me. Cum for your fiancé" and I came completely undone beneath him. I kept eye contact with him but my legs began to shake and my back arched.

He wrapped his arms under my back, my legs dropped to his sides and I wrapped them around his back. He pulled me up and I clasped my arms around the back of his neck, he picked me up, walked me over to the wall and slowly fucked me against it.

Our tongues intertwined and our lips softly glided over each others. He let out a loud breathy groan, threw his head back, looked back at me and growled "I love you Mrs Malfoy. I'm going to cum inside you okay?" "Oh please Dray, cum inside me" I begged.
He kissed me once more and released himself inside of me. "Y/n...fuck...oh my..." he sighed between each final stroke. He stayed inside me, walked us over to the bed and lay us both down. I moved down in between his legs and cleaned my juices off his member with my tongue, he let out a loud gasp and grabbed a fistful of my hair to pull me up to him so he could kiss me once again.

I lay next to him with my head on his chest, he stroked my hair and I traced shapes on his beautifully toned stomach. "I can't believe how lucky I am. I get to be the only one to fuck you for the rest of our lives" he whispered as he softly placed a kiss on the top of my head. "I only want to be fucked by you Draco, it's always been you."

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