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"Fucking hell Malfoy close your eyes!" I shouted, why did he think this was remotely appropriate? His eyes grew increasingly wide as he gazed upon my body. He was sat on my bed, elbows resting on his knees, his blonde locks falling on his forehead, his strong hands resting in one another.

He didn't say a word, he just continued to stare at me. A faint smirk growing on his lips, one that I had never seen before. It wasn't filled with his usual self importance but it was warm, inviting. "Oi! Do you mind?!" I asked, again he said nothing. He stood up, that unfamiliar smirk turning into a smile and his head shaking in an amused manner. Once he reached me his cold hands and fingers snaked around my waist.

"Draco, wha-" and I was cut off swiftly. His lips met mine and he pulled my body closer to his, moving one of his hands to take hold of a fistful of my hair, his other taking hold of my arse. One of my hands found the side of his face as I traced my thumb across his cheek, my other hand was intended to come up to his chest but I grazed over the growing bulge in his trousers. Of course this was an accident, but I can tell he enjoyed it. As I did so he let out a breathy gasp and he pulled away from our interlocked lips. "Y/n, I... I think we need to talk." He managed to speak with a half whisper.

I looked up into his glacier like eyes and threw him a confused look, "is everything okay?" I asked him, still holding his gaze. He dropped his head and took one of my hands as he walked me over to my bed. What was all this about?

He took a seat on the edge of the bed and I sat next to him on my knees."I'm... I'm sorry" he said. "I beg your pardon? Was that an apology coming from the great Draco Malfoy? I feel so honoured." I joked, however I don't think my timing was quite right as his face became more and more frustrated. "Forget it. You know what? I've never met such a self-centred little bitch" he spat. "Fuck me Draco it was a joke! Please lighten up, you can be a real fun vacuum sometimes you know?". As I said that his face lit up. "Fuck you, you say? That's actually the reason I came in here." There we are. Finally he cut to the chase. What on earth am I supposed to say to that?
I felt the heat growing between my legs and I brought my thighs together to gain some sort of friction. My 'subtle' movements didn't go unnoticed, he leant back onto his forearms and looked me up and down.

In an instant I felt so insecure. He could see me. My body. Everything that I hated about myself was bare in front of him and I felt so exposed.
I gathered some courage and finally spoke to him. "Draco I'm sorry for being insensitive. Talk to me..." I spoke, trying to gain his trust back. His cold hand found its way onto my thigh. He took a deep breath and said "I'm sorry for the way I've treated you all these years. To be completely honest, you terrify me. When we were young I saw you as an extension of "you know who" and that scared the life out of me, it still does. I know you're not your father and I hope that you know that I'm not mine." Where was all this coming from? Maybe the last 3 years had changed him, all of us. I looked down at his hand and back up to his eyes, "thank you Draco, I really appreciate it. If we're both being honest, I... I suppose I've never been particularly nice to you because I...erm... you know what, never mind." I thought against saying the next few words I was about to say. Draco knew I'd cut myself off early, "okay you can't finish on that. Since we're both being honest..." he said in an attempt to get me to speak my mind. There was no way he was going to let this go. I took a deep breath, gulped and said quickly "because, Draco, I've been in love with you since we were 11 years old. Is that enough for you? Happy now?"

I felt like crying, I'd never even admitted it to myself before let alone to anyone else. My eyes filled with tears as I looked down at his hand on my thigh. He notice the tears and he sat up to face me properly, his other hand came up to my cheek and wiped away the tears that had fallen from my eyes. He pulled me into a passionate, longing kiss and lay me down on my bed.

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