She knows

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I watched Draco as he paced up and down the Slytherin common room with his shirt sleeves rolled up past his elbows, his hands in his trouser pockets and his head hanging to face the floor.

I was sat on the leather sofa trying to keep it together. Feet firmly planted on the floor, knees held together and my hands fiddling with the hem of my skirt. I'd hesitantly explained to him everything that Harry had said during the lesson and how it made me feel worthless, like I was just a byproduct of my 'father'.

Dracos mind was racing with hate, fury, heartache and grief. I hate seeing him like this, I wish I'd never said anything if I knew it would cause him to feel this way.
I could see the veins in his arms pulsing rapidly and his eyes flittering between my eyes, the floor and the roaring fire that was crackling loudly. He was physically hurting after I told him what Harry had said to me, he couldn't hide his anger towards the world anymore.

"I swear to fucking Merlin I'm going to kill him y/n, I really am. I thought the transition of coming back to this shithole would be easier considering we're all adults but Potter? No he takes the piss, NO ONE speaks to my girl like that." He shouted in pure vexation, his eyes fixed on mine as they filled with stinging tears.
I couldn't help but smile at him. Not at the fact that he was so enraged, but to know he cares so much made my heart melt.

"Darling I promise no one will speak to you like that ever again. Even if it kills me, my love, I will protect you no matter what" he affirmed to me whilst taking my hands in his as they shook in worry. He knelt down in front of me looking me directly in the eye, his grey orbs swirling with infinite amounts of emotion... but mostly love.

His head dropped onto my knees and I began to play with his platinum locks, twirling them around my fingers feeling how soft they are.
He picked his head up slightly and began kissing and caressing my thighs with his warm lips.
His cold fingers left my hands and moved to my knees and slightly parted them so his lips could reach the inside of my thighs.
He made me feel so wanted, so needed, he made me feel like I belong.
This was the first time I had ever felt safe, and I never wanted it to end.
He continued to kiss the inside of my thighs while his hands reached up under my skirt to play with the hem of my underwear.
I let out a breathy moan and tipped my head back, shuffling forwards trying to get more friction from him.

I wanted him, more than ever and I knew he wanted me. He looked up at me and gave me that Malfoy smirk, making my core flutter as well as my heart. "Stay still for me princess or I'll make this even harder for you" he whispered softly before moving his head back between my legs. His fingers dimpled my skin, his cold rings making me gasp for breath. He moved further up my legs and finally reached the top of my thighs, he pushed my skirt up to fully expose my underwear which, to no surprise, were soaked with my wetness. "Baby I've hardly touched you, are you feeling needy for me hmm?" He breathed while looking up at me with his piercing eyes, making me melt even more into his touch. His fingers hooked around the waistband of my underwear and he began to pull them off, revealing my pulsing heat dripping with lust. He pulled off my underwear fully and threw them to the side. He let out a small growl when he looked at my pussy, letting me know how much he longed to be inside me... but we both knew that wasn't going to happen yet.

Draco moved his hands onto the sides of my arse pushing my legs up in the process, making sure my knees were bent and my legs were spread fully so he could get a better look at my core.
He moved his head closer and lightly licked my clit, barely making contact but wow I'd never felt so good.
I let out a quiet moan while moving my hand to the back of his head to take a handful of his beautiful blonde hair. "Uh huh princess, what did I tell you? Be a good girl and stay still for me" he said.
Once I had moved my hands away he did not hesitate to taste me fully, his tongue dived straight inside of me while lightly rubbing my clit with his thumb that he'd moved from one of my hips.
He moved his tongue up to my clit as he slowly and lightly traced my opening with his fingertips.

"Tell me what you want" he growled, "more Draco, please" I begged. And with my words he entered me with his middle finger and his ring finger, hooking upwards to reach my sweet spot. "Fuck... yes Draco" I moaned, trying to keep it together. But his tongue swirling at speed and his fingers pumping in and out of me rubbing against my spot made it so difficult.
My pussy throbbed and clenched around his fingers as I got closer to my high, he knew I was close and that made him go faster.
I got wetter and wetter and I could feel my orgasm coming imminently.

"Oh, Draco... fuck. I'm going t..." I moaned. Draco looked up at me and moaned "cum for me baby" and with that I came undone on his fingers. He moaned as I came and he finger fucked me through my high.

With all the intensity we had just created, we hadn't noticed someone else had walked into the common room. "Mmm such a good fucking girl" Draco said before removing his fingers from me and licking them clean, tasting me once again.
I lifted my head up from when I threw it backwards against the soft leather chair as I was cumming, and that's when I noticed Pansy was stood there watching us.
Her mouth agape like she was scarred from what she had just seen.
"Fucking hell Pansy!! How long have you been there?! Get out!" I screamed once I'd laid my eyes on her, rapidly covering myself in hope that she hadn't seen anything.
Draco spun around rapidly, stood up and lunged towards her ushering her out of the room.

Fuck. Now she knows.

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