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Draco, Narcissa and I had the most wonderful Christmas Day. I don't think I've ever had a Christmas Day like it- in a good way, obviously.
We shared presents, had the most amazing dinner and a surreal long walk in the snow.

We made our way back to the manor, sauntering down the long drive way and that's when Dracos ears pricked up. Something was wrong, I could feel it in the pit of my stomach. Narcissa immediately pulled out her wand, I followed as did Draco as he mimed for us to wait outside of the front door. That wasn't happening. The three of us walked cautiously through to the living room and that's when we saw him.


He was sat in 'his' armchair in the corner of the room. Legs spread and back hunched. His appearance was nothing like the last time I saw him. Disheveled, chaotic and carelessly dressed. His eyes were bloodshot and sunken into his head, his hair had been cut short as though it had been lopped off by a knife and his skin was sallow and pale, sickly pale.

A deranged smirk spread across his contorted face as his manic looking eyes shot through my soul. "I was hoping you'd be here" he snarled in my direction.
Draco lunged towards him, wrapping both of his hands around his fathers neck. "Draco! No!" Screamed Narcissa dragging her son away from Lucius by his collar.

I was still frozen in the spot, my wand pointed towards the three Malfoys and my mouth agape. What the fuck is going on?
Why did he want to see me? I thought.

Narcissa and Draco moved aside, turned and faced me both looking as confused as I was. "Wait...what?" I stuttered. Lucius stood up and slowly walked over to me and whispered "he's back. And you know it. I'll see you soon" and he apparated  in a puff of black smoke.

The room felt like it was in a vacuum, all the atmosphere had gone. Draco ran towards me and pulled me into the tightest embrace, his thumbs rubbing up and down on my back and his hot breath falling over my neck.

The aurors apparated together moments later in the living room where we stood to inform us that a prisoner had escaped from Azkaban. No shit. How did he get a wand? Why didn't he use it? And if I'm the last horcrux, why is he threatening me? Shouldn't I be kept safe if I'm needed alive to keep Voldemort alive?

I'd thought multiple times about how to kill myself to get rid of 'my father' for once and for all but I don't know how stuff like this works, who does? Harry, that's who. As soon as we get back to Hogwarts then a serious conversation is needed with the boy who lived.

Draco and I decided that Hogwarts was the safest place for us at the moment since no one can apparate in or out of the castle. We swiftly packed our trunks, Narcissa was sent to a safe house by the aurors so we made our way back to school. This was how my Christmas' usually went.

When we arrived at the castle our dorm room door was open. With everything that had just happened we were on edge to say the least. Draco pulled out his wand, jumped through the doorway and began to laugh. Oh merlin, what now? I stuck my head round the corner and saw two small house elves tidying our room. Thank Salazar it was only them. "Oh! Mister Malfoy, Miss Riddle. Scrump and Dolly were just cleaning your room. Scrump thought that you weren't at Hogwarts over Christmas?" Chirped the short, squat house elf. "Change of plans. Is everything finished?" Snapped Draco. I pulled his arm and scowled at him and whispered "Draco don't be rude." "Sorry, bad day" Draco sighed while shaking his head and looking down at the floor. "Dolly just needs to finish making the bed" squeaked the other house elf from the far side of the bed, tucking in the final corner of the bottom sheet. Scrump and Dolly gathered their equipment and with a puff of smoke, they were gone. I dropped my trunk on the cold hard floor of our dorm room and slumped onto the freshly made bed.

An uncomfortable silence filled the room, the first uncomfortable silence that I had ever experienced with Draco.
"Harry... I need to speak to him. He's the only person that's ever destroyed a horcrux and been one himself. Fuuuuck. Dray I'm so confused, what do I do? Do I just carry on like nothings happening or do I go looking for him? Do I wait for him to come to me? Why now after all these years does he want to come back? Do I kill myself? What the fuck do I do?" I wailed in frustration.

Draco lay next to me, both of us laying on our backs, staring at the ceiling in despair.
He held out his hand and I placed mine in his. Although this could literally be how I die, knowing that the love of my life would be by my side the whole time made it seem that little bit less scary.

"We're Draco Malfoy and Y/n Riddle, we can do this. If Potter can, then why not us?" He confidently stated while squeezing my hand.
"But the last thing I'm going to let you do is kill yourself without knowing whether you'll live like Potter did. If we have to keep the dark Lord in a cage like a pet then so be it if it means that you're safe. We can keep him in the dungeons at the manor and feed him Grubs shit food" chuckled Draco. I let out a light giggle and began to rub my thumb up and down his thumb to comfort him. "I promise I won't do anything stupid, you're the clever one out of the two of us remember? You'll have to come up with something" I half joked to Draco. Obviously I'm cleverer than him, but I won't tell him that. Anything to keep him happy. He would have to come up with something soon though, because the will to fight this was slowly dwindling.

We went to bed and Draco quickly drifted off, but my mind was racing. How did Lucius escape? Why did he escape? Who helped him?

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