Pinky Promise

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8.50pm. Fuck. Why was I so nervous? I had a pretty good idea of how this was going to go, but I was so scared of reality.

I walked through the castle until I reached the door of the room of requirements.
I whispered "alohamora" and the door squeaked open. "Cutting it fine aren't you?" Snapped Harry. "Sorry? I'm literally 10 minutes early" I added. "Sorry. Sorry, I'm just stressed." He apologised, his eyes searching my face for any hint of discomfort. "You're telling me. Let's get on with this" I instructed.

We spent hours talking, duelling, teaching each other spells and trying to come up with some sort of plan. It was 3am and we finally decided on a way to defeat him. A plan to kill me, kill him, then bring me back.

Harry explained it all to me- the two potions, how Harry would kill him for a final time and how I would never have to face him. A bit Romeo and Juliet if you ask me but if it works then it works I suppose. "Tell no one our plan Y/n, promise?" Harry said holding his pinky out towards me.
Wow, he remembered? When Harry and I were together we always used pinky promises for anything and everything. I looked intently at his hand and back up to his eyes.

He must have been able to sense the slight change of vibe from me so he dropped his hand, shook his head and said "sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." I reached out and pulled him into a tight hug, "thank you Harry. Honestly, I don't know how to thank you enough." "Well, just... just..." Harry stuttered. "Just what?" I questioned. "Just...make sure Draco is right for you."
Oh fuck no. Not this again. "Harry, is that what all of this has been about? Me and Draco? I don't understand?" "Y/n wake up, I'm still in love with you! I always have been and since I saw you on the first day back I knew I loved you" Harry said with a slight raised voice. "Harry don't do this. I've never been happier with Dra- hang on, why am I explaining myself to you? You're with Ginny, I'm with Draco and that's it. I did love you Harry but that was a long time ago. A long time ago."

I stormed out of the room of requirement and hastily made my way back to my dorm. Why didn't I tell Draco and bring him with me? If I did that Harry would've kept that bombshell to himself.

I quietly opened my dorm room door as I whispered "alohamora" and with a click the door opened. Since it was so late I expected Draco to be asleep but I was met with the warm welcome of dim candle light. I closed the door behind me, spun around and saw that Draco was no where to be seen. "Dray?" I called out. "In here" he replied from the bathroom.
I walked into the bathroom and saw him standing in front of a full bubble bath with candles surrounding it, his wand in hand presumably to light the candles. "You've been so stressed recently darling so I wanted to do something nice for you. I know it's not a lot, but in this situation it's the best I can do" said Draco quietly, a wide smile spread across his handsome face.

My head had been so full of stress recently that I'd almost forgotten how much this man loves me. He's such a beautiful man, inside and out.

My eyes darted to his strong arms and then back up to his eyes. My eyes filled with tears, I smiled lightly and stammered "Dray...I...thank you." I pulled him into a tight hug and his hands began to remove each piece of clothing slowly and carefully. I moved my hands up to unbutton my shirt as I was still in my school uniform, Draco lightly took hold of my hands and whispered "no no, let me look after you" and placed gentle kisses on my shoulders.

He undressed me fully, picked me up and placed me in the warm bath. He picked up a sponge from the side of the bath and began to rub my body with the soap suds on the sponge. I hadn't felt this relaxed in such a long time.

We sat in comfortable silence, my eyes closed as he played with my hair. After about half an hour I must have began to drift off as I felt Draco sit me up and he stood up to get me a towel. I blinked a couple of times, washed my face and stood up. I took the towel off Draco and wrapped it around my body just underneath my armpits. I stepped out of the bath, stood on my tiptoes, kissed him on his cheek and walked into the bedroom.

Draco walked up behind me, reached to the front of my body and untucked my towel, my towel dropping to the floor revealing my body.
He pulled me closer, moved my hair to the side and began to kiss up and down my neck and shoulder. I closed my eyes and let out a breathy sigh as I lifted my arms up to lightly tug his beautiful blonde hair.

I turned around and pulled him into a long kiss, his tongue tracing my bottom lip as though he was asking permission to enter my mouth. I pulled away and slowly dropped to my knees. Dracos breath hitched in his throat as I licked the tip of his long, hard length and he tried to pull me up by a fistful of my hair. I pulled his hand away from my hair and whispered "you've just looked after me, now it's my turn to look after you."

His head fell backwards as he let out a quiet moan as I licked from the base to the tip and tried to take his whole length in my mouth. I began to move my head backwards and forwards and my hand pumped the length of his member where my mouth could not reach. My tongue swirled around his throbbing tip as my hand moved rapidly around him.

After a few minutes, his breath picked up and his moans became faster and heavier, "fuck Princess, you're going to make me cum...oh...fuck...y/n" he panted as he neared his high. I continued to pick up the pace, felt Dracos legs begin to quiver and heard him moan "mmmm y/n- oh fuck, I'm going to cum down your fucking throat" as he released himself in my mouth, grabbing a fistful of my hair and thrusting himself into me.

I licked his length to clean up any mess, swallowed, looked up to meet his gaze and smiled at him. His hand reached to the back of my head and he pulled me up into a deep kiss. I spun him around and pushed him onto the bed.

"Again? My needy little slut" he chuckled, "you need to earn my cum this time my love" he smirked through his words.

I positioned myself above him, my nipples hardening at the thought of Draco being inside of me. I aligned Dracos throbbing cock to my dripping wet entrance and slowly lowered myself onto him. I inhaled sharply as his size stretched my tightness wide. Slowly rotating my hips I attempted to adjust to his size, once I had I placed my hands firmly on his chest and began to bounce up and down on his thick member.

His hands came down to grab my tits but I pinned his hands to the bed above his head. "Don't touch me, I want to see how long you can go without touching me" I moaned as I leant down near his ear, licking it as I spoke. A loud sigh left his mouth as he grit his teeth in frustration, his cock throbbing intensely inside me.

I turned myself around so I was in reverse cowgirl, keeping him inside of me while my arse facing him. "Shit, baby girl you're making this so hard for me" Draco breathed, a hint of annoyance in his words. I continued to bounce up and down increasing speed, making my moans louder and more intense. "Draco, oh...I'm going to...oh fuck" I screamed. My words causing him to pull my hair backwards so we were lying parallel and his hips thrusted up into me at an ungodly pace while his ring finger rapidly caressed my clit.

Draco fucked me through my high as I squirted all over the bed, an orgasm so intense my eyes began to water and my body began to shake. "That's it, that's my good girl. That's it baby, make me cum" he whimpered as he fucked us both to orgasm. My body gave way and I lay on top of him as he left large purple marks on my neck and shoulder.

He brought his fingers away from my heat and put them to my mouth, making me taste myself and his orgasm. I rolled off the top of him and lay next to him with my head on his chest and his arm wrapped around my waist. "I don't know about you but I think we might need a bath" he joked.

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