The morning after

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We spent the night together. I fell asleep in his arms and I've never slept better, to have him by my side felt like an absolute dream. A dream that I would be rudely awoken from.

I felt the sunlight through the window hit my face and I woke up with a yawn and a stretch. I opened my eyes slowly, turned over and expected to see Draco but instead, nothing. The other side of the bed was empty and my heart dropped to my stomach.

Honestly y/n what on earth did you expect? You slept with him because he supposedly reciprocated your feelings and you've been fucked over once again, well done.

"Good morning babe, how's your head?" Pansy asked as she came through the dorm room door, coffee in hand and a tea for me that she placed on my bedside table. "Erm excuse me you're the one that passed out in the common room after drinking half a bottle of firewhiskey last night, I didn't touch a drop" I snapped as she sat on the side of my bed. "Ouch, no need to be rude. Must be the hangover" she winked as her sarcastic words left her mouth, "I'm sorry, I...didn't sleep well". That was a lie, I slept amazing but I didn't get what I hoped for when I woke up.

I stood up and walked to the bathroom, turned on the shower and stepped in. The hot water ran down my body where Draco had touched only a few hours earlier. His fingers tracing over my skin, his lips caressing every singe inch of my body- stop. Now. Jesus Christ y/n get it together, get him out of your head right now. He doesn't care.

I washed my body and finished up in the shower, turning the brass handle to stop the steam and the water. I stepped into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, brushed my hair and rubbed on my coco butter moisturiser gently all over my body. I tied my towel underneath my armpits and went to open the door to my bedroom when I heard Pansys voice fade away and the door slam. How strange, what was going on? We don't have class for another hour so where was she going? I opened the door and saw Draco stood in the middle of the room, blood dripping from his nose and his shirt saturated with blood. What. The. Fuck.

My mouth dropped and so did my heart, I turned around and wet a flannel that was on the side in the bathroom. "Bloody hell Draco please tell me that's not your blood on your shirt?!" I asked rhetorically while taking his hand and sitting him on my bed trying to clean up his face. "Why didn't you tell me about you and Potter?" He snapped coldly. My blood ran cold, my eyes widened and my palms began to sweat. "Draco, I...I didn't think it mattered?" I sighed. "Y/n I told you I love you, I let you in and you didn't tell me something as straightforward as that?! I can't believe you." He spoke in a slightly raised voice. "What happened with me and Harry happened over 5 years ago, he means nothing to me now! I thought yours and Harry's rivalry or whatever it is ended with the war but clearly not. What I'm trying to say is that we were children and it ended a long, long time ago." He looked down at his hands and looked up again to face me.

"Look, I'm sorry y/n. He got all high and mighty with me this morning when I was at breakfast. I told Blaise what happened last night, he's been telling me to go for it with you since first year and I thought I better tell him since you said that you love me. Potter overhears, decides to pipe up and says 'she told me that too, don't think you're special.' What am I supposed to think?" I'd think the same in all honesty if it was the other way round. "See! I knew coming back was a mistake. I'm a Riddle, no one is ever going to think any better of me than my 'father'. I did love Harry, 5 years ago, when we were kids. He's with Ginny and like I said last night, I love you. To be frank, I felt physically sick when I woke up and you weren't there. I'm so sorry, the way he reacted was completely out of order. Draco I love you, don't let what he says get into your head." He took my hands and looked me in the eyes. I could tell he was about to speak when he looked back down. "I'm guessing that's where the blood on your shirt is from then? I hope he looks worse than you" I joked with a small smile on my face. "Oh you know me my love, I one up him every time." He threw back at me with a wink.
Why did Harry have to start this now? After all these years, why now? Our second day back and Draco has already had a fight. Fingers crossed it only gets better from here.

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