Back to school

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Waiting outside of the Great Hall with all the first years was certainly a humbling experience. I felt like the scared 11 year old girl I once was, and that frightened me.

I knew what house everyone returning to Hogwarts would be in, but there was still a feeling of anxiety laced through each and every returning student. Being 10 years older than the first years was rather embarrassing to say the least; being laughed and stared at, being pointed out and ridiculed for being 'old' wasn't something that I particularly enjoyed in the slightest.
Professor McGonagal appeared in front of the giant stone doors that lead to the Great Hall just like she did every year. Except this year felt different. Her usual demeanour was calm, confident and collected, but this was not the case. She was jittery, she looked almost as nervous as the first years and those of us returning to Hogwarts.

"First years line up in front of me. You will be placed into your houses momentarily. There are four school houses- Griffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin", the way she said Slytherin was painful, almost as though she was saying it against her will. I thought that maybe after the war the prejudice of any witches and wizards would be thrown out of the window, but clearly the reputation of Slytherin pupils lived on. "Your house will be like your family. Returning students, wait here please. Professor Tyren will be here to collect you in a short while. First years, follow me. Good luck to you all." And with that, McGonagal and the first years disappeared into the Great Hall, leaving us returning students alone with each other.

Ezra and I had our backs against the stone wall at the bottom of the stairs. In the middle stood Blaise, Pansy, Neville and a couple of the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. And right at the front stood Hermione, Ron and of course Harry Potter.

The golden trio simply refused to look or even breathe in my direction when I last saw them, so to be stood within 10 feet of them was so strange, disconcerting almost. And stood right in front of me, Draco Malfoy. He hadn't changed a single bit since the last time I saw him, except he looks like he's had a bit more sleep since then. He's still as handsome as ever and that air of overwhelming confidence still clung to him like a bad smell. His beautiful platinum blonde hair fell so neatly and his pale skin glowed in the dimly lit corridor. God he's such a beautiful man, even from behind. Y/n what are you thinking? He's a dick, get your mind out of the gutter.

Anyway, there weren't many of us returning to Hogwarts, I'd say 15 of us at most. It was going to be a long year.

After what seemed to be a lifetime of silence, the quiet was broken by the tapping of shoes on the stone floor. A small witch with black hair down to her ankles, flowing purple robes with beautiful embroidered flowers on them, square glasses and a large black hat stood at the top of the stairs. She must have been mid to late 40's, although she was hard to place an age on. Her voice was sweet and innocent, yet her hands looked withered. She had a warming aura and comforting smile, yet she had dark penetrating eyes. Her whole being was a contradiction to itself. "Good evening students. My name is Professor Tyren, I am the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Follow me to your dormitory's. Slytherins, wait here while I take the rest of the students to their common rooms. We need to have a little chat before I show you to yours."

Great, no doubt this is going to be a condescending 'chat' about us having 'turned our lives around' but Merlin forbid we talk about our experiences because that would make the whole school feel 'uncomfortable' and 'targeted'. She returned minutes later and just as I expected, that was the exact talk that she had with us. Those of us with the dark mark were told that we have to wear long sleeve shirts all the times, no exceptions, unless we were willing to cover it with a bandage of some sort. What was hiding it going to achieve? It's not like a single one of us was proud of the mark, especially me since I can't hide my last name. But it happened, and hiding the dark mark almost made it seem that the school were trying to deny that it did.

"Just as I thought that this place couldn't get any worse, this happens." Draco spluttered in disgust. "Are you going to tell your father Draco? Oh wait sorry, isn't he in Askaban?" I joked, obviously it didn't land when Draco replied "oh I'm sorry Y/n, isn't your father dead?" Like I didn't play a part in taking him down? I laughed in his face, "I never had a choice Malfoy, your family did. That's the difference between me and you." His wand came up to my neck and I pulled my wand and pressed it into his stomach. I could feel his toned physique through his shirt, his grey eyes piercing through my head and his tongue wondering his lips seductively. We both knew what we were doing to each other and only stopped when Ezra said "okay you two, you can have your little argument later when you're alone. None of us want to be around you both with this sexual tension going on." He was right, you could cut the atmosphere with a knife and I loved it. So did Draco, I could tell by his shaking breath and his other hand wandering my waist.

"Uh hem, come on students. To the common room" sighed the professor, and like good little pupils, we followed.

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