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The next few weeks was uneventful to say the least.
Draco and I had been happy, the group was as normal and the other returning students got on with school. Life was steady, life was good.

Todays final class was divination, my favourite subject. Cliché I know, but I'm a 'typical girl' and collect crystals, read tea leaves and believe in energies- not for everyone but each to their own hey?

Daphne and I had been partnered up by Professor Trelawny and began on understanding palm reading and how magic affects our 'life lines'. Daphne wasn't my first choice as partner, but we had been getting on surprisingly well. We have a lot on common it turns out; Daphne and I are both Cancers, both cat people, love the same muggle movies and surprisingly have the same sense of humour. Obviously no one could replace Pansy and Ezra but Daph and I were definitely getting closer.

I was finishing up reading Daphnes palm when Professor Trelawny bolted over to our small table, knocking numerous crystal balls over in the process.
Once she reached our table she ripped my hand from Daphnes and looked intensely at my palm. "My dear" her voice shook with fear, "you have no life line." "Pardon, professor?" I stuttered in shock, taken aback by her sudden and erratic movements. "Y/n... you have no life line. Look" and she pushed my own palm in front of my face. I looked down at my hand and noticed there was in fact no life line on my hand. I picked up my other hand and looked at that one too and there was no life line on that palm either. What the fuck?
I snatched my hand from Trelawnys grasp and clasped my hands together so the students on neighbouring tables couldn't peer over and see. I heard muttering and whispering all around me and I dropped my head, picked up my quill and continued scribbling notes on to my piece of parchment. I felt as though thousands of eyes were on me in that moment and I felt like such an idiot. Why did the professor have to make such a big deal out of it?

I felt completely humiliated, so I calmly collected all my belongings waiting for the lesson to come to an end. Before I could even think about leaving the lesson early out of pure embarrassment, I heard a chair screech on the stone floor. I turned around and saw Draco swing his bag over his shoulder and storm out of the room, dragging me by the wrist as he sped past me.

Once we'd gotten outside the classroom door, Draco pulled me into a nearby broom cupboard. What's he doing? He grabbed both of my wrists with haste and looked at my palms. "Draco...", "don't" he snapped. "Y/n, do you know what this means?" He asked with deep rooted concern in his voice which made my skin crawl with fear. "No. I don't Draco, enlighten me please?" I asked hastily. I don't know what I expected him to say, but the words that left his mouth pierced through my heart like a knife. "Y/n, Potter had no life line until he was 'killed' by your father. He was a horcrux, so that means..." No. No, it couldn't be true. Could it? I stared straight into Dracos soul as I froze out of terror. "Y/n... your father, he... he's still out there." I pulled myself from Draco's hold, turned and rapidly ran out of the cupboard.
I don't know where I was going but I walked and walked and my legs took me to the black lake. I dropped my bag on the floor, slumped down to take a seat on a rock and I screamed from the top of my lungs. No words, just unadulterated rage. I thought it was over. I'd just gotten my life back and now I was being thrown back 3 years into my past.

I jumped as I felt a hand place itself on my shoulder, I turned and saw Draco looking down at me with pain in his eyes. He sat next to me, wrapping his strong arm around my waist pulling me closer to him while not saying a word. My head fell onto his shoulder and I closed my eyes. "Dray, I'm so sorry. You've been dragged back into this when we all thought it was over. Why can't anything be simple? Believe it or not all I want is an easy life" I said with a slight sarcastic laugh, opening my eyes after they were shut tightly. "I'd understand if you don't want anything to do with me anymore, you've been through enough. You and your family has fallen apart because of...him" i said, "FUCK!!" I shouted. Dracos arm tightened around my waist and his free hand came up to the side of my face, he used his index finger to lift my chin up to make me look at his face. "Darling, I will protect you with my life. I made a promise to you and I'm going to stick to my word until the end. I'm going nowhere, do you understand?" His words attempting to sooth my fears. "But Dra-" I was cut off by his lips pressing passionately against mine. He moved away and looked me directly in the eye, "do you understand?" I hesitantly nodded in response. "Whatever happens I've got you. I know you and I know your father. Wherever he is he'll be planning his next move, he'll come for us but we'll be ready when he does. Okay? Me and you, together."

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