He's back?

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Pansy, Lana, Daphne and I entered the dress shop in Hogsmeade to look for our ball gowns.

The shop was small but packed full of beautiful dresses, shoes, bags and accessories.
Daphne and Lana went to look at necklaces and earrings and Pansy and I began to search high and low for the perfect dress. "Soooo, how's it going with you and lover boy?" Pansy asked as we rummaged through the rails of dresses. "Shut up Pans. How's you and Blaise? And don't lie to me, I've seen how close you've been getting" I asked in reply. 2 can play that game Parkinson. "Fucksake... is it that obvious?" She asked coyly. "Pans, you share a room and Ezra talks. He's seen you sneaking in and out of Blaise's bed every night and every morning, you need to be more careful babe" I laughed trying to make her feel less guilty about not telling me. "And me and Draco are doing really well. Actually, we're telling everyone later at the three broomsticks" I cheered with excitement. "Telling us what?" She asked, confusion plastered all over her face. "About us you idiot." "Fuck right off. You're making it official?! Draco Malfoy and Y/n Riddle?! Oh merlin I'm excited!" She screamed while jumping onto me and hugging me in the process. "Bloody hell Pans calm down! It's not that big a deal" I replied trying to calm her down, not wanting to draw attention to us. "No no no y/n this means we need to find you the perfect dress. I've got mine."
And she held up a beautiful black floor length satin dress. It was a halter neck plunge with embellishing around the waist line.
She's going to look unreal. "Okay, let's look" I said excitedly.

I began to look through the rails of dresses and pulled out the most perfect dress I had ever seen. It was a long sleeved emerald green backless dress with a slit up the left leg. I knew I had to have it. I took it to the lady at the till and paid. I'd have to stop spending money for a year to make up for how much that dress cost but I didn't care. It was perfect, the last one left was my size and Dracos favourite colour. I picked up some pearl earrings and black sling back heels on the way to the till. I had the perfect outfit.

Us girls left the dress shop and met the boys outside of the three broomsticks and we walked in together. Draco and I following the others in last, hand in hand. We looked at each other, took a deep breath and steadied ourselves ready to make our relationship official.

We all sat around the table in the three broomsticks and Draco stood up to address the table. "So, erm, Y/n and I have something to tell you all. We have been seeing each other for quite a while and we, erm..." I could see he was struggling, I'd never seen him nervous before but this obviously meant a lot to him.
I stood up, walked next to him, took his hand and said "we love each other. We always have and always will. I know this is probably a bit of a shock to you all but-" and I was suddenly cut off as laughter broke out amongst the others sat at the table.
Draco and I sat down slowly next to each other looking between ourselves trying to understand what was so funny. "You're the two cleverest people in our year but fuck me are you both thick" Blaise cackled while elbowing Ezra in his side as he was laughing hysterically. "What?" Draco spluttered. "Come on! Seriously? You expect us to believe that Pansy swapped dorms just because? And Draco willingly swapped? You've been all over each other for months and you think we're blind? We love you both so much, you deserve all the happiness in the world, honestly" said Ezra, happiness filling his words.

"So you're... you're not annoyed?" I stumbled over my words in anxiety. "Well I can't speak for Montegue, but the rest of us are over the moon for you both!" Said Pansy. She, Blaise, Ezra, Lana and Daphne all turned around to look at Graham who looked rather put out, and with that we all burst into laughter once more. Graham stood up and walked over to Draco.
Oh shit, here we go. Graham pulled his hand out of his pocket and held his hand out to shake Dracos hand, "fair enough mate, you've pulled the fittest girl in school. Fair play." Oh thank god that's all that was.

The night went on and the group of us went through almost a dozen bottles of champagne. I would've been happy with Prosecco but Draco insisted that we had only the best. We stayed until the pub kicked us out and we began to make our way back to the castle. The night was going so well until we walked past the dark forest.

That's when I saw it.

The others walked ahead but me and Draco hung back to see what it was. "Come on you two, we'll miss curfew!" Shouted Lana to Draco and I. "We'll be there in a minute!" I shouted back as the others walked into the castle. The two of us went into the forest, looked up at the sky and that's when we recognised it. It was the dark mark in the sky, the clouds formed into the shape of a vile skull with a long snake slithering out of its mouth.

Draco grabbed my hand tightly and we both pulled out our wands. We stood back to back, circling the perimeter, still hand in hand.
Who conjured it? Who was out there? There must have been others who survived the war, but who? The only death eater to survive was Lucius Malfoy, but he was in Azkaban. So who else was left?

We wandered the dark forest for hours to make sure no one was there and we found there was no one else, just the two of us. We decided to make our way back to the castle. We entered the common room then went through to our dorm. We got ready and into bed, Draco fell straight asleep but I was awake for hours. My mind was filled with questions. Why now? Why here? Why me?

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