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So what was the deal with Draco and I? To be quite honest I didn't  have the slightest clue. He originally despised me for being, in his words, 'a filthy halfbreed'. Then he was recruited by my father in which I can imagine he has resented me for ever since. I always found him to be completely insufferable but I was completely mesmerised by him and him with me. He had a sort of hold on me, a power over me that made me want to melt into him at any given moment, especially when he flashed that conceited smirk of his.

During the war, Dracos whole demeanour seemed to shift. He was so torn between his family and what was right. He didn't see things in black and white once he was given the dark mark, only grey just like me. Good and evil aren't the only two sides in this life as we found out at such a young age. Life is definitely more complex than that.

After being in the common room all evening, I excused myself to return to my dorm room. The others had decided to spend the night in the common room since we were the only students there. As I got to my dorm room, I went straight to the bathroom and stripped off, standing only in my underwear. A forest green satin and lace set, it was always my favourite. Whenever I needed a confidence boost this is the set I would wear, although no one could see it , it would give me a boost.

Being a taller, skinnier girl often had its downsides. Lads seemed to want petite, curvier girls with big boobs and a big bum. But here I am with my long legs and hardly any curves to speak of. Pansy always made me feel better about my figure though, she'd say "you're tall, skinny and blonde with legs up to your armpits. You're literally a model!" Those words obviously made me feel better about myself, but confidence comes from within and not from reassurance from others.

I turned on the hot tap ready to wash my face when I heard the dorm room door squeak open and seconds later, slam shut. "Pansy?" I shouted, assuming it was her coming back to our dorm room. No response. I hesitantly turned off the tap, took a deep breath and made my way into my room to see who was there. "Draco?"

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