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That evening, Professor McGonagal had announced that Hogwarts would be throwing a Christmas ball just before the winter holidays.

With everything that was going on, it was nice to have something to look forward to. Pansy and Daphne had arranged to go dress shopping in Hogsmeade the next evening and invited me and Lana to join them. We both kindly accepted the offer and we all went to bed that night looking forward to tomorrows activities.

It was a freezing cold Saturday morning in late November.
The frost laid like a blanket on the grass in the courtyard, the black lake covered in a thick layer of impenetrable ice.
I love the castle in winter time, it's so majestic and beautiful.
The spires glistening in the winter sun, the reflection of the ice on the walls in the Slytherin common room and the crunch of the light dusting of snow under my feet when walking from lesson to lesson made me feel warm inside. A stark contrast to the subzero temperatures that surrounded the grounds.

I woke up and found Draco sitting next to me shirtless, his glasses perched on the end of his nose and reading a book in silence.
He noticed I was awake and looked down at me as I looked up at him. "Good morning my love, how did you sleep?" He asked sweetly. "I slept with my eyes closed" I joked with him.
He always chuckled at my rubbish little jokes bless him, I know they're not funny but I can't resist.

He playfully pushed my arm so I turned on my back. I laughed and sat up revealing my bare breasts, red nipples hard and perfectly perky just above the duvet cover. "Merlin y/n, I'll never get tired of this view" and as he said that he put his book down, took off his glasses, placed them on the bedside table and pulled me onto his lap so that I was straddling him.
We both sleep naked so my warm, wet core was pressed agains his long, hard member. I dropped my head down so our lips met and I began to grind my hips up and down his length. He gasped in the midst of our kiss and I placed a peck on his cheek. "Time to get up Dray. We'll miss breakfast" I said as I got up off his lap and began to walk towards the bathroom. "Can't I just eat you instead?" He asked smoothly, his question was genuine.
"No. Malfoy we've got plans today, we missed the common room party last night because we were both 'tired'. We can't miss out on today or they'll start suspecting us." I said without turning around to face him as I began to run the shower. "Well... let's tell them. Why not? I love you and you love me, so why keep it a secret? I want to tell everyone about us. It kills me when I see Montague staring at you like a piece of meat and I can't say anything. You're mine and everyone should know that. Agreed?" He said as he walked into the bathroom behind me and joined me in the shower.
A smile began to grown on my face and I looked up at him and planted a firm kiss on his lips. "Agreed" I said while continuing my shower.

We both got washed, ate breakfast, dressed and ready to go to Hogsmeade with our friends. Draco wore a pair of black Chelsea boots, smart grey trousers, a white shirt with a black knit jumper over the top, his Slytherin scarf and a black wool overcoat. God he looked good.
I wore a pair of Dr Marten platform shoes, black tights, a black and white houndstooth long sleeved shirt dress with a grey knitted vest over and a forest green aviator jacket to add a pop of colour.
We're such a good looking couple if I do say so myself. Draco had his hair in his usual neat style, a couple of his blonde locks falling over his forehead. And I wore my hair down and curled with a pair of grey earmuffs to keep my head warm.

"Okay so, the plan is- we get to Hogsmeade, go shopping, meet back at the three broomsticks and tell them all together. How does that sound princess?" He asked while taking me into a warm embrace.
I looked up at him and nodded with a wide smile on my face. He wanted everyone to know we are together. This is it. This is us as an official couple. To say I was nervous was an understatement but the excitement was beginning to take over.

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