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Now mine and Dracos relationship was a difficult one. It was a love/hate relationship, but there was always some kind of chemistry between the two of us. We hated each other in a way, resenting the obvious tension there was between the two of us but it had always been kept under wraps. God, that made it that much more frustrating, and maybe even a little bit sexy.

I patted Ezras knee as I stood up, I could tell he
we concerned by the unmistakable scowl that was present on his face. I turned to face my best friends and gave them a look as to say not to worry about me.

I turned to face the door that Draco had exited through only moments before and made my way quickly over. I grasped the cold metal door handle and opened it with haste, not realising Draco was sat on the spiral staircase right behind the door with his face buried in his hands. His head shot up as soon as he realised someone had entered the staircase. "Can't you leave me alone for 5 minutes?" He barked while staring through me, his hands resting on his knees. His veins were pulsing, his long slender fingers gripping onto his knees, his silver rings glistening in the moonlight. "Fine I'll leave you to have your paddy on your own" I spat with disgust written all over my face. "Wow Riddle, sort your attitude out before I sort it for you." He snarled as he stood up, towering over me in an attempt to intimidate me. I threw out an uninterested laugh and explained "I'm not the one with the attitude, Malfoy. You've just bitten Blaise's head off for absolutely no reason, you shouted at me earlier on the platform and I'm not the only one who has noticed. It seems to me that you're the one with the problem." His eyes lit up at my response, almost relishing in the fact that I'd answered him back. He moved closer, his tall frame overpowering mine, his large hands wrapping around my waist playing with the waistband of my shorts. "I swear to Salazar y/n you make this so fucking difficult for me." I could feel my stomach fill with butterflies and my cheeks blush at his words as his breath brushed over my face. He knew almost instantly how I felt in that very moment and a cocky smirk began to form on his face. I tried so hard to ignore it, to ignore him, but I couldn't. The way his fingers caressed my hips and stomach, the way his eyes burnt through my skull, the way his skin looked in the dimly lit hallway. I don't know what came over me. I moved my hands to the back of his neck and pulled his head down rapidly so his lips collided with mine. He pulled my body closer to his, our chests pulled tightly together, his hands exploring my body, our lips moving slowly and meaningfully, his tongue lightly tracing the inside of my mouth. I suddenly came to my senses and pushed him away from me. What on earth were we thinking? He looked down at me once again, still holding my body close to his. Both of our lips were swollen and glistening in the low light of the stairwell, I could feel his heart racing as my hands rested on his chest. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that" he whispered to me, his voice softer than I had ever heard him speak. I couldn't help but smile. I didn't want him to know that I felt the same but how could I not? I've had feelings for this man since I met him in our first year at Hogwarts.

"Oi! Y/n! Are you coming back or what?!" I heard Ezra shout as his footsteps became louder as he approached the door quickly. "Shit" I exclaimed and moved away from Draco. I  moved to the other side of the stairwell giving us at least a metres distance between us, trying to make it seem as though nothing could've happened within the mere seconds we were alone together. "Coming" I shouted back to Ezra while turning promptly and exiting the room, Draco following closely behind me. I could feel him staring, I didn't want him to stop but I didn't want anyone to catch us.

Really y/n? I thought to myself. Really?

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