You and I

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I just told him that I love him. Bloody hell, the first night back and I'm confessing my undying love for Draco Malfoy. This year was certainly going to be different.

"Y/n...I..." Draco tried to talk but I couldn't let him. "You don't have to say anything, I'm sorry I've just made a complete idiot out of myself. I don't know where that came from, ignore me" I whispered, bringing my knees up and covering my face with my hands. I felt his weight shift on the bed and felt his hands come to my knees and move them apart. I felt his body hovering over mine and I moved my hands away from my face to see him staring directly at me. "Let me talk. Y/n, I love you." He whispered, moving his hand to the back of my head and pulling me up, kissing me once more. Draco Malfoy loves me, and I love him too.

The kissing turned from soft and gentle to fast, rough movements that became more heated by the second. My hands moved to the back of his head, feeling his soft hair run through my fingers. His body pressed harder into mine and I could feel his hardness push against my heat. I pulled away to look at him as I began to unbutton his shirt, eventually moving down to his belt.

He sat up, took his arms out of his shirt and threw it to the side and I pushed him backwards so he was lay down. I unbuckled his belt, undid his buttons and zip and pulled down his black boxers. His length sprung out and hit his stomach.

I couldn't believe my eyes, I had never seen a cock so big in my whole life. I was scared, but I love a challenge.

I positioned myself in between his legs, taking the base of his length in one hand and steadying myself with the other. As I took hold of it, Draco let out a loud gasp. "Fuck, such a good girl" he whispered as I took his tip in my mouth and began to move up and down on his length, sucking and licking while pumping my hand up and down his shaft. I felt his thighs tense and his hand came up to the back of my head, pushing my throat down onto his long hard dick. He started thrusting his hips upwards and pushing my head down harder and faster. I began to choke and gag on his member, "you take me like such a good little slut don't you, hmm?" He said, eventually pulling my head off his dick to look me directly in my eyes and see the tears that pooled in my eyes that he'd created by throat fucking me.

He came up onto his knees and grabbed my throat with force, throwing me backwards, making my head fall into my soft pillow.
His hand found its way to my back and he unclipped my bra, pulling it off and throwing it to the side, leaving my tits exposed and left completely to his mercy.

"Merlin, I've never seen a pair of tits so perfect in my life" Draco spoke seductively, taking one of my breasts into his large hands. The cold metal of his rings hit the warmth of my skin and I let out a stifled moan.

He moved downwards and pulled off my lace thong slowly, his fingers moving towards my mouth and making me open wide. "Now I'm not going to silence the room, these are going in your mouth to keep you quiet. Do you understand?" He growled at me in his low voice. I nodded and his hand swiftly took hold of my throat, "use your fucking words darling." "Yes" I said lowly and quietly. "Yes what?" Draco snarled, "yes, sir."
His ring finger and middle finger trailed up and down my opening while his other hand put the green lace thong in my mouth. His cold touch felt like ecstasy against my hot, pulsing core. I tried to keep in my moans but I needed more from him. I whined at his touch and he quickly moved his fingers away from my heat, "shut that pretty little mouth of yours, otherwise I'll just make it longer and more painful for you." And of course, I obeyed.

His free hand moved down to my hips and he slid his two fingers inside of me. "Mmm so tight" he murmured. I was soaking so there was no trouble for him to find my sweet spot. He curled his fingers upwards and began to start pumping into me slowly. My hips buckled upwards and he began to move quicker and rougher inside me. "Cum on my fingers darling, cum hard for me." And with those words my high came thick and fast, my legs shaking and trying to close but Draco used his free hand to keep them apart while he finger fucked me through my high.

Once I had come down from my high, he didn't let me rest at all. He came up onto his knees, pulled me downwards by my hips and guided his length into me. I let out another gasp and he let out a low and slow laugh, "good girl, taking my dick like the little slut that you are." He began to pick up the pace and slammed his cock deeper into me, hitting my spot and rubbing my clit with his thumb at the same time. After a few minutes I couldn't hold it anymore, I clenched around him and I could feel the heat rising and taking over my whole body. "Mmm that's it, cum on my dick my good girl." I could feel Draco nearing his orgasm as well as I could feel his girth twitching inside me, "oh fuck, I love you y/n. I'm going to fill you up." And with that he lowered down and kissed me, his movements becoming sloppy and his kisses turning breathy and shaky. He kept moving in and out of me, still fucking both of us through our orgasms.

Once we had both come down he lay next to me, pulling me onto his chest. His breathing was heavy and fast and I thought his heart was going to pound out of his chest.
"I really do love you y/n."

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