Those 3 words

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"What the fuck y/n?! Why didn't you tell me?!" Pansy shouted at me from across our dorm room.

Her face postbox red with anger, I understood why she was angry with me but we're adults, why can't we have a civilised conversation?
"Pans, I wanted to tell you but...but I'd just not got round to it yet..." I uttered lowly and I suddenly felt something hit the side of my head. "Ouch! What was that for?!" I questioned her with clear annoyance in my tone of voice and facial expression. She'd thrown a roll of parchment at my head, clearly not happy with my answer.
"You hadn't got round to telling your best friend about your love life? It's not like it's just anyone y/n, you're fucking Draco! Have you even thought about how this could fuck up not just yours and his friendship but the whole friendship group?! I can't believe you!" She seethed at me while storming over to me. "I'm not a child Pansy I know what I'm doing! I'm not just fucking him am I? I've told you for years how I feel about Draco and he loves me too".
A tear rolled down my cheek as I burst into tears out of frustration. I dropped my head into my hands as I took a seat on my bed, pulling my knees up to my chest. Why can't anyone be happy for me? Harry tried to ruin what me and Draco have and now Pansy is going off at me for being in love with Draco? I've had enough.

"God Pansy I'm an emotional wreck at the moment. Being back here is so difficult. I know it's not just me who it's difficult for but I need some support. Please?" I cried into my arms. I felt the bed dip next to me and a warm hand snake over my shoulder, pulling me closer into a warm and comforting hug.
Pansy always knew how to calm me down when I have a wobble and now was no exception. "Y/n... I didn't know how you felt! I mean I know you've always had a thing for him but I didn't know you love him. And he says he loves you?" She asked calmly, I knew she was beginning to understand. I looked up to face her wiping the tears from my eyes and nodded slowly, I couldn't help but smile again thinking about Draco telling me that he loves me.

She squeezed me even tighter and started squealing, "I'm so fucking happy for you both! One of you should've told me but still... ahhhh! My best friends are in love with each other! When should I buy a hat?" She joked while throwing me a wink, we both started giggling like little kids and I felt like I'd got my best friend back. It felt like the old Hogwarts but this time, theres nothing stopping me from being happy. Apart from Harry of course but he can shove it and stay out of my life.

I heard the door of my dorm room open and saw Draco peering around the door, his face filled with worry. "Oi you! Come here and give her a hug, she needs it after the hard time I've given her" Pansy said, letting out a slight chuckle trying to lift the mood.
Draco walked over to the bed and sat on the other side of me with his back against the headboard, picking me up under my knees and cradling my back to sit me onto his lap.
I looked up at him and we gave each other a huge smile, "right you're going to make me throw up. I'll leave you both to it, I don't need to see that again" she joked as she stood up from beside me. Draco and I both laughed and we fell back onto the bed.
Pansy opened our dorm room door and before she left, she sternly said "look after her ferret boy or I will Avada you." Draco looked at her and calmly said "I will never hurt her, unless she asks me to" throwing Pansy a wink. I slapped his arm seeing Pansys face drop in disgust, "no ew I'm going now" she spat and she left the room, closing the door behind her.

Draco and I lay next to each other on my bed and I turned on my side to look at him. He faced me and sighed, closing his eyes slowly. "Oh no what now?" I asked, clearly expecting the worst. He opened his eyes and smirked at me. "I've never felt like this before you know? I love you so much princess, I know this isn't going to be easy but I've got you okay? You'll be at my side no matter what" he soothed with his low, hypnotising voice. I felt completely and utterly protected. He was mine and I was his, finally. "I love you too Dray."

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