The storm after the calm

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I walked past the prefect boys bathroom and heard faint crying coming from within. I took it upon myself to see who it was, lo and behold it was Draco.

I'd never seen him cry before. He's such a stern faced man and showing emotion was absolutely not his strong suit but something must have really bothered him for him to cry.

"Dray?" I called out, hoping to get an answer, maybe even him wanting to confide in me but instead he barked "get out." "I want to help. Tell me what's wrong" I whispered, but to no avail.
His head snapped round to look at me, if looks could kill I'd be 6 foot under. "Get. Out. I'm not asking. I'm telling you. Leave." My heart dropped and soon my face reddened with anger. Who does he think he's talking to? I calmly said "Draco, I'm trying to help. Talk to me, what's wrong?" "I've just found out a girl that I loved has died and you're trying to make it about yourself. Again. Get the fuck out now!" He wailed, his words cutting through me like shards of steel.

He loved her? I have so many thoughts going through my head. Am I a horrible person for taking this personally? Is he just lashing out because I'm close to him? Does he still love her? Am I just a replacement? "Ah here we are then. The truth is finally out. You were annoyed with me not long ago after you found out about Harry and I but now that I've found out about you and Astoria my feelings are completely fucking invalid? I never mentioned me or my feelings, you've just attacked me for no reason at all, talking to me like I'm nothing more than a piece of shit on the bottom of your shoe. Talking to me how your father spoke to your mother. You're just like him." And with that I turned swiftly on my toes to walk away.
I couldn't see through the red mist until I felt a hand grab my wrist.

"Don't you dare compare me to him. I'm nothing like him" Draco scoffed at me, the anger clear on his face. "Really? I'd like to see you prove me wrong. You've been telling me I'm nothing like my father when in reality we both are more alike them than we can comprehend. Now get off me, don't you dare touch me like that ever again."

The rest of the day was awkward to say the least. Our new classmates were overjoyed to be back at school but as for myself and Draco we would rather be anywhere else than Hogwarts.
I couldn't stand to be in the same room as him let alone share a dorm with the man.

I got back to my dorm room and threw myself on my bed.
I took a pillow and placed it over my face, I screamed into it as loud as I possibly could at an attempt to release any pent up anger and frustration. It did work I must say, so much so I didn't notice that Draco had come into our dorm room. "Having fun love?" He said sarcastically.
I removed the pillow from my face and looked over to the other side of the room where I saw him undressing and putting on a pair of grey tracksuit bottoms and a crisp white T-shirt.
I'd never seen this man wear anything other than his uniform or his dashing black suit, how did this man look so irresistible in everything?

He sat down in the arm chair next to the desk and begin on some sort of homework. "Don't 'love' me like everything's okay. I'm ready to talk when you are but clearly you're busy" I grunted, standing up and turning around to begin undressing myself.

I felt Draco's cold fingers and rings wrap around my waist, his hot breath hitting my neck sending shivers down my spine. I could feel his hard length pressed against my back as he pulled me closer to his body. Maybe we should argue more often if us falling out makes him this hard. No. Stop. You're annoyed at him. His dick can't change that.

"Y/n, I did love Astoria but that was years ago. If I loved her still I wouldn't love you now would I? I was just shocked about her passing is all. To be honest I haven't thought about her in years." He spoke quietly into my ear. He turned me around so that I was facing him, his hands staying firmly on my waist. "I worship the ground you walk on my love. I always have done and I always will for as long as we live. I will still worship you in death, I love you y/n." He pulled me into a tight, deep embrace and I knew then that this man loves me irrevocably and entirely.

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