The dress

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I awoke abruptly the next morning to Draco ripping off the covers and darting out of his bedroom door. Merry Christmas to you too Dray.

Draco returned moments later and called out from behind the door, "close your eyes darling." My heart raced in anticipation as I sat up, eyes closed and I heard Draco shuffling around under his large oak 4 poster bed. I felt a fair amount of weight placed on my legs. "Open..." Draco whispered. I opened my eyes, looked down and saw a large present on my lap. "Draco, what's this?" I questioned, I wasn't used to getting presents for Christmas. Actually, I can't remember the last time I had received a present that I hadn't bought for myself. "Happy Christmas sweetheart" Draco cooed through his wide smirk.

There laid a large black paper box on my legs, I looked up to gage any sort of clue as to what it was by the look on Draco's face but as usual, I couldn't read his expressions. I looked back down at the box and removed the cream ribbon from its exterior, opened the lid and moved the grey tissue paper that was placed on the top.
As I moved the tissue paper, Draco spluttered "if you don't like it then we can go and chose another one but my mother thought you'd like it. Well, it was my mothers, but she says it's very you and-" I cut him off as he rambled on. "Dray, I'm confused. What is it?" I asked, clearly confused with the gift I'd just been given. He took the box off my legs, took my hands and guided me to stand up at the foot of the bed in front of the present.

It was only 9 o'clock in the morning so I was still in my pyjamas, my hair a mess and bags under my eyes.

I picked up the tule fabric and that's when I realised it was a stunning veil. "Here" Draco said as he took it out of my hands, he clipped it into the back of my hair and reached into the box once again.

I felt something cold and weighty be placed on my head, he took my hands and turned me to face the floor length mirror in front of his bed.

There I stood in my black satin shorts and black satin crop top pyjamas with white bed socks, with a stunning veil and regal tiara elegantly placed on my head.
The contrast between my pyjamas and the beauty that was on my head made me audibly laugh. "Oh shit. You hate it?" Draco asked, his voice shaking with worry. His question made me laugh even more. I threw myself back onto his bed in hysterics covering my face and legs kicking the air. Draco sat next to me and began to chuckle, I think out of awkwardness if I'm completely honest. Once I'd pulled myself together, I sat up cross legged in front of him and took his hands in mine with the biggest, cheesiest grin on my face.

I could barely speak out of sheer joy but I managed, "Draco, I love them! I've... Dray... I'm". "Lost for words?" He snickered at my lack of vocabulary. "Honestly, I don't know what to say... they're the most beautiful things I've ever seen in my life! You could've given me a warning though, like at least left it until dinner so I look a bit more presentable!" I said letting out another loud laugh.
The relief that Draco felt once I'd said that was so visible even I noticed it.

He lifted my left hand up, kissed my ring and ring finger and said "oh thank merlin" and he kissed my hand again. He shuffled slightly and brought himself to his feet, he picked up the box and said "now I know it's bad luck to see the wedding dress before the wedding so I haven't seen it. I just want you to make sure that you like it before you commit to the dress." Holy fuck. I'd been gifted his mothers wedding dress too?!

Narcissa has always had style. As long as I can remember her slight, slender figure had always made everything that she wore look absolutely amazing. I only had one worry though, I'm about a foot taller than her. What if it doesn't fit?

It was almost as though Draco had read my mind when he said "if there's anything wrong or it doesn't fit then alterations are already paid for, no questions asked." I took the box out of his hands and lightly traced my fingers over the ivory silk that was placed so delicately in the box. "Okay, if you've not seen it then I don't want to see it either. It'll be a surprise for both of us on our wedding day, I'll just have to try it on to see if it needs altering. I want to be blindfolded and I want your mother and house elves to help me when trying it on, deal?" I said to Draco, looking him straight into his piercing grey eyes.

He moved the box onto the floor, leaned over me, grabbed my wrists and pinned me to the bed. "Mmmm, I love it when you're demanding" he growled as he began to place light kisses up my neck and cheeks. I giggled and then gasped and threw myself off the bed quickly. "What?" Draco said as I ran out of the room. "Stay there! I'll be two seconds, I just need to get something out of my trunk. Close your eyes!" I shouted from the large walk in wardrobe attached to the back of his room. "Okay?" He replied, although he had no idea what was going on.

I rummaged through my trunk and then I found it. A little black box. A tiny black box.

I took a deep breath and walked back into his bedroom, sat on the bed and placed the box into his hands. "Open..." I whispered in his ear, leaving a small kiss on his cheek as he moved away.
He slowly opened the box and I said "I don't think it's fair that only I get to wear an engagement ring, don't you? This is just a temporary thing until you get the real deal." His eyes widened as his gaze fell on the silver ring that was engraved with a snake around the outside edge.

"Y/n, I'm the luckiest man in the world" he said as he took the ring out of the box and placed it on his ring finger. "It fits perfectly, how did you do that?" He asked. "I have my ways" I replied with a giggle. I moved over to straddle his lap as I look his face in my hands and pulled him in to a longing kiss. His fingers played with the hem of the veil and my hands moved down to his ring finger as we both pulled away. "Merry Christmas Mrs Malfoy" he said. "Merry Christmas Mr Malfoy."

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