The dungeons

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I slumped down onto my bed, my dorm room looking almost exactly as it did before the war. The smell was different though. It smelt new; without the smell of the numerous parties etched into the ancient rugs, without the cigarette smoke embedded into the heavy curtains, without the smell of mint filling the corridors. It smelt to... clean. No personality. No history. This had to change, and soon.

Pansy slammed the wooden door behind her, making me jump. "Merlin I can't believe we're back here. I thought we'd left it all behind, ugh y/n kill us now." She sighed as she dropped her trunk onto the cold stone paved floor. I sat up to look at her throwing her a sympathetic smile, "Pansy we've literally been here for 10 minutes. I promise you it'll all be over before you know it. We just have to make it through until the end of June then we're free to do whatever we want, that has to be better than Azkaban, right?" I said to her, hardly believing it myself but here we are.

After Pansy and I changed out of our uniform into lounge wear, we decided to make our way over to the oh-so-familiar Slytherin common room. Being 21 and older than the rest of the students, the Slytherin common room was now ours. The other slytherins had been given a new common room in the astronomy tower instead of the dungeons.

I always loved the common room, especially when the moonlight would shine on the Black Lake and create glistening reflections and shadows on the walls. Casting a beautiful light over the old pictures hung on the walls and illuminating the dark spiral stair case leading to the dorm rooms.

As we walked through to the common room, we could already hear laughter coming from the boys who were already in there. Pansy and I walked through the door to Ezra who sat cross legged on one of the brown leather sofas and Blaise sat in one of the two green chesterfield armchairs . And then there was Draco. Stood looking out of the floor length window that faced the Black Lake. His shirt sleeves rolled up just past his elbows, his hands in his pockets and his head looking straight forward.

Pansy took a seat on the sofa next to Ezra and began to join in with whatever interesting conversation he and Blaise were having. However, I walked over to the window where Draco stood, approaching him quietly. "Do you ever wear anything but a suit Malfoy?" I asked him, a sarcastic tone lingered in my question. I must have startled him as he turned around to face me as fast as lightning, his face pale and drained of any sort of emotion. "Oh, it's just you" he said as his face softened when he realised who was behind him. I looked into his wide eyes and they were bloodshot, more so than usual. He'd been crying. I could tell but I didn't want him to know that, so instead I forced a smile and took one of his large hands in mine. I could feel his rings in between my fingers as they intertwined, the cold metal causing me to shiver at his touch. "Come on, Malfoy" I said while dragging him towards the group. "Blaise is about to open a bottle of fire whiskey, it would be a shame to miss out on a drink hmm?". He reluctantly nodded his head while rolling his eyes and followed me over to the rest of the group.

Draco sat in the armchair next to Blaise and I sat on the sofa sandwiched between my two best friends.

I felt comfortable with them. Although I wasn't blood, they looked after me as though their lives depended on it. Pansy is definitely the more protective of the two, she will hex anyone who lays a finger on me or says a bad word about me. However she is calm and collected when doing so, as though it's part of her nature to be like that. And then there's Ezra. He's not quite as calculated as Pansy. He often gets in fights because of Pansy and I, even if it's a fight not worth having. He's hot headed but will put his life on the line for you if you're important to him.

I take a seat and rest my head on Ezras shoulder while watching Blaise struggle to open the bottle. "For Merlin's sake Zabini, are you completely incapable of doing anything properly?" Draco snapped as he snatched the bottle of fire whiskey out of his hands, quickly opening it before taking a large gulp of the dark brown liquid. The whole room went quiet, all of us collectively wondering where that outburst came from. The silence didn't last long though, I watched Pansy's face form a smile and then Ezra burst into fits of laughter. Blaise then started and of course, so did I. Draco didn't laugh though; he didn't seem to understand the joke. He pushed the bottle into Ezras hands as his face looked like thunder and he turned and stormed out of the room.

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