1. 만남

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Hanbin stared at the pattern at the bottom of the glass in his hand, as he drank more and more, the pattern became more visible. Through the unmelted ice, the pattern looked asymmetric, hence unique. He could tell it belongs to an expensive set of glasses, meaning, the host had been, if not rich, pleasantly solvent. Although his mind drifted to unnecessary thoughts as such, he still focused on what his friends were saying, therefore, laughing from time to time.

"Hyung, imagine if someone accidentally posts your picture of clinging to Matthew hyung?" Hanbin heard his tallest, yet youngest friend say, "I don't know about you, but Matthew's hyung's gonna-" he made a gesture of slitting his throat with his thumb, making all three spectators laugh.

"So funny, Gyuvin." Kim Jiwoong, the oldest of the gang spoke, rather annoyed. Hanbin understood. Jiwoong had been under talk to be casted for a new, high production budget drama. If he gets the role, it's gonna be groundbreaking for his career. Getting in a controversy at the most crucial point of his career is so very undesired, and making fun about it.. well...

"Don't kill the mood, Jiwoonie hyung. He's just joking." Hanbin saw his roommate, who's also his very best friend hit Jiwoong on the chest lightly. Seok Matthew, Jiwoong's boyfriend for about three years was completely attached to his body. Matthew's smaller in frame, and he took advantage of that by completely cuddling himself in Jiwoong's broad chest. And the latter too, very securely held his boyfriend. It didn't matter to them whether they were in public, and honestly, neither Hanbin nor Gyuvin cared. They were used to the couple's unhealthy amount of PDA.

"Yeah, of course I'm joking you evil old man." Gyuvin teased Jiwoong. They were close enough to make those strong and harsh remarks, and laugh those away, "I wouldn't have invited you here if there was even a 1% chance of you being stalked."

"Aww you're the best, Gyuvinnie." Matthew said. Jiwoong didn't respond to that, other than rubbing the side of Matthew's waist. Hanbin saw that, and a smile of disbelief broke into his lips. Jiwoong and Matthew, whenever and wherever.

"By the way, Gyu?" Hanbin called, "Where's your potential date?"

Gyuvin checked the time on his phone, "He said he got stuck in traffic, I bet he'll be here soon."

"So, will you ask him out tonight?" Jiwoong wiggled his eyebrows. It's been a few months since Gyuvin started talking to a blonde Chinese guy, Shen Ricky, on whom he had developed a strong crush. Unsurprisingly, the blonde male also gave numerous hints of liking him back, and there was a 90% possibility of them to actually get together anytime soon. The super restricted party hosted by Ricky's cousin, where Gyuvin's entire friend group was invited was just an indication that maybe, it was the night of their union.

"Maybe." Gyuvin looked a little shy, "I mean, if the mood is right."

"The mood won't be better than this." Matthew said, "Claim your man before you lose the chance, bro."

"Yep, just like I did. Now this pretty guy belongs to me." Jiwoong smirked at Matthew who smiled and went up to put his lips on Jiwoong's for a small peck. Of course, the elder had to push his chin down and turn the peck into a small, not so intense French kiss.

"You guys are gross." Hanbin joked. Matthew found the opportunity to tease his friend as well, "Better than you who's gonna end up in a stranger's bed by the night."

"It's called a one night stand." Hanbin laughed, "Besides it's better to fuck strangers than having my heart broken by someone I love."

"Can't relate." Matthew shrugged, flexing his boyfriend. Hanbin went back to drinking again. It's true that there were plenty of confessions he received and rejected. He was crazy handsome, well rounded both academically and culturally. He had a bright future as a potential dancer, was fairly rich and was very kind and caring. But somehow, he didn't want to get into a commitment, or maybe he just hadn't found the right one. He wasn't bothered though. With his looks and skills, he could bag anyone he needed, and that was more than enough for him.

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