29. 위아래

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It was cold, but the warmth from their interlocked hands quilted the new lovers who decided to take a walk before heading home- Zhang Hao who initially ruined their previous chance to do that insisted that they stroll around in the heart of a cold night to talk about everything and anything. Of course, Hanbin wanted it, so he agreed. They took each other's hand in a tight clasp, fitting the spaces between their fingers like no one else. Their shoulders were at the same level, eyes lined, hearts beating at the same pace. They looked at each other, and all the shy flutters young love gives, they felt those.

"When I was in high school, I used to walk alone at night, listening to some love songs, thinking about my future lover." Zhang Hao said. "I never thought my man would be a hot Korean dancer."

Hanbin chuckled, "Why?"

"Well, I was in China back then, studying to be a musician later. Who knew I'd change my course of life coming here?"

"And?" Hanbin pulled their hands a little closer, "Do you think you did the right thing?"

Hao looked at their locked hands, a smile spread on his lips. He lifted those hands, pulled the back of the other's palm and left a small kiss there, "I wouldn't have met you if I didn't. So yeah, I think I did good."

Hanbin smiled back, a lovesick, whiskered smile. He put a kiss on Hao's cheek in response. They were on the road, there were people around, some saw them, probably. But the only witness that mattered was the moon. It kept shining on them, secretly noting how incredible they had looked. Showering in silver moonlight, both giggling, both blushing, both talking. It was love, not in your usual pink but bright red and gentle silver. No in between.

They walked aimlessly for a long time. Sometimes straight ahead, sometimes in loops, when they got back to Hanbin's car, the moon was high up in the sky. They took the car, unanimously decided that Hanbin's house should be the one they hit.

Even after getting there, they were lost in the mood of love from before. Just soft and innocent. Hanbin took Hao inside his room, they both sat on the bed, looking at each other. It was Hao who broke the silence first. "Are you sleepy?"

Hanbin moved his head from left to right, "Not really. Are you?"

"Um, no." He looked at his lover, "I don't wanna go to sleep yet."

Hanbin scooted closer to his man on the bed, then carefully took one of those hands, "What do you want to do then?"

The Chinese guy looked at his face, gentle, sparkling eyes, a soft smile, pretty lips. If you meet him anywhere else, you wouldn't know that he's capable of doing what he does so good. And Hao loved being the exclusive audience, therefore, he smirked, "Something fun?"

That smirk gave it away. Hanbin was no fool to miss that. A genuine smirk formed on his face too, who suddenly grabbed the other male's waist, "What's your definition of fun then, Zhnag Hao?"

Without budging or feeling shy, Hao replied, "You should know better, Sung Hanbin. What's the point of dating otherwise?"

Hanbin nodded before pulling his chin. He stopped right before those exotic lips, asking once again, "My perception tells me that you want this. Don't you?"

Hao only shrugged. He felt an erotic euphoria by playing hard to get, so he didn't proceed with the kiss. Hanbin had to press their lips together first, only then did the other move to face him completely.

(A/N- We're going there again. 🔞 content ahead. Kinda kinky at the latter half)

He wrapped both arms around Hanbin's neck, closed his eyes to deepen the kiss. Hanbin also tightly held that waist, closing his eyes the same way to feel the same heat. It came so naturally- the kiss. They knew it well already. A few seconds on the lips and then deep in his mouth- that's how Hao liked it. Hanbin figured it out long ago. So he soon used his skilled tongue to take the lead, then drop both their weights on the bed, but he was stopped midway by a hand on his chest.

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