6. 성적

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(A/N- Okay I apologize beforehand, this is going to be hella kinky 🥲 I mean googling this shit has totally blown my mind 😭 So sit tight and proceed only if you're okay with it cz this is also an explicit 🔞 chapter)


Walking in Hanbin's apartment, Zhang Hao felt a small chill run down his spine when he found the house quiet and dark. Of course, he expected it, but he had just finished a long ride with soft and gentle words from the younger male, so suddenly shifting to sex felt a little unfamiliar. Not that he hadn't been fucked by the man, or that he didn't want to, he was just a little worried cz Hanbin said he'd be a bit more on the rougher side.

Well, Hao liked it rough, so he shouldn't worry.

Hanbin, however, didn't look like he was thinking about that. Cause he first offered a nice bowl of ramen to the other, and then talked a little more, as if he wasn't planning something wild in his head. Hao started getting increasingly fidgety as the clock ticked because Hanbin's words also shifted to more sexual side. And of course, he had that face and the control of bringing out either lethally sensual or honey-sweet expression at will. For that night, Hanbin chose the first option. Was Zhang Hao in his power to stay sane and sober? Probably not.

Absolutely not.

"Hyung, do you remember?" Hanbin said, when the course of conversation was barely innocent. He took one of Zhang Hao's hands and intentionally ran his thumb over it, "Why we are here?"

He might be melting inside, but Hao was good at keeping it inside. So he smirked and said, "Don't just talk the talk, Sung Hanbin. You're yet to impress me."

Hanbin stood up, and pulled Hao's hand, saying, "Oh honey you don't know what I'm capable of doing to your pretty self."

Hao stood up, already excited to be challenged that way. Hanbin pulled him by the waist, that very thin waist that gave him the shivers. He brought his face close to Hao's and then, within a second, kissed those lips. Spicy ramen had plumped them enough, added more flavour as well. Hanbin sucked them good. While doing so, he also pulled one of Hao's legs and carried him that way to the bedroom. Hao got on the bed himself, undoing his top. He was kinda sweaty and dirty from wearing those clothes all day long, but so was Hanbin. So they didn't bother. Hanbin helped him with the top, and also the pants, leaving his pale, sexy body only in a pair of red underwear.

He kissed the man for a brief while, cause that night, it wasn't about kisses. Just dirty, dangerous sex. Hanbin stood up, leaving Hao wondering on the bed, almost naked. He turned his head to look at the younger. Fully clothed still, Hanbin went to his locker, and after rummaging through the clothes, he took out a medium sized carton, clanking sound of metal was heard from the inside. Hao had a faint hunch of what it might be, and he was right. Because when Hanbin dropped the carton on the bed with a smirk, his dark yet excited gaze talked for itself.

"I hope you're as ready as you claimed, cause I won't stop once I'm at it." Hanbin opened the carton, Hao peeked inside, and he had to gulp in fear and an unknown rush of excitement.

Hanbin moved to kiss Hao on the lips again, but just two pulls before those lips moved to Hao's neck, just grazing over the surface, they ultimately reached the elder's chest. Hao watched, because he liked to watch men in action, especially if that action was sucking his nipples. Hanbin didn't just 'suck' them, he pulled them with his teeth, licked and circled them with his tongue again and again, leaving them all erect and burning pink. Hao loved it, obviously, but oh did he expect to see those clamps Hanbin pulled out of the carton? No. And did the younger just bit his lips like torturing those buds were some sort of delicious meal for him?

Either way, the gesture only hardened his dick.

Hanbin proceeded to clip those nipples with care, although Zhang Hao frowned once they were on, cause there was a certain level of pain, but the younger made sure to stimulate him by licking those clamped buds a few more times, before moving to kiss his lips.

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