24. 조절

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(A/N- This chapter contains mature 🔞 content. Read only if you're comfortable with it :))

"So they've also left?" Gyuvin asked, seeing once Ricky cut the call.

"Yup. Everyone ditched the party." The tall Chinese male answered.

"Aww it's okay, I'm here with you, ain't I?" Gyuvin linked arms with his man, although he could tell Ricky wasn't being serious.

"Yeah, but it's kinda funny. We arranged the party solely for them."

"And it worked!" Gyuvin excitedly spoke, "Gunwook's bonding with Taerae hyung, Hao hyung's also made up with Hanbin hyung, it's a win win situation here."

"That's true." Ricky smiled, "We've succeeded being cupids."

Gyuvin leaned towards the other, bringing a wide grin on his face, "So we deserve an award now." As Ricky turned his head at it, the other one winked, "You've kept your room locked, right? I think it's time we use that."

"So we're ditching the party as well?"

Gyuvin nodded, "Who cares anyway?"

Already hyped up about the proposal, Ricky stood up, holding Gyuvin's hand, "Let's go then." It took them a few seconds to stand in front of the locked door and unlock it. Ricky got in first, then pulled Gyuvin by his collar and locked the door from thd inside. They brought their faces close to each other, but before diving in for a kiss, the younger said, "I've got something special for you." Curious, Ricky lifted a brow, watched as his boyfriend rummaged through his pocket and took out a small package. Tearing the wrapper, he showed a black silicone cock ring he had bought earlier that night.

"Tada!" Gyuvin cheered, "If you feel like it, of course. But I think it can help with, you know.."

"Kim Gyuvin!" Ricky laughed, honestly he was glad. That Gyuvin didn't disregard his problem, rather tried finding a solution. He knew rings could prolong his erection, which he really wanted, but he never expected Gyuvin to actually bring him one.

"What? It's safe to use! I talked to Hanbin hyung, he said it can also enhance the stimuli."

"You asked Hanbin hyung?" Ricky sounded a tad bit anxious, "Did you tell him?"

"No!" Gyuvin immediately answered, "I did the research myself. I just asked him for the specific brand and shop... He knows a lot about these."


"If you're up for it, we can try some stuff he suggested." Gyuvin winked, "I imagined when he told me-"

"You imagined what?? Him and my cousin doing things? Are you a voyeur or what-"

"Oh my God! Ricky! Why would I imagine them? That's gross!" Gyuvin shuddered, "Of course I imagined us! Me and you!"


"What the fuck!" Gyuvin laughed, "What went through your head?"

Ricky only smiled in response. Soon, Gyuvin returned to the present, having Ricky inches away from him, patiently waiting for the kiss. The younger playfully delayed it, earning whines when he moved away as the other approached him.

Ricky tsked, then grabbed the back of Gyuvin's neck and pressed their lips together. He parted them, but Gyuvin was being naughty. He didn't reciprocate. So Ricky pulled his chin down to push his lower lip through the gap. However, the younger had his teeth clasped, making it hard for the other to make an intrusion.

"Gyu, it's not fair." Ricky whined. Gyuvin could swear that sounded like the cutest thing ever. He grinned, watched the other's impatient face for two seconds, and then decided to stop playing. So he also held the back of Ricky's neck and dived in for a kiss. This time, keeping his mouth open, letting Ricky invade his mouth. Eager, the Chinese pushed himself further in Gyuvin's chest, who stepped back, all the way to the bed. Ricky's weight nade him fall down, and Ricky's tongue kept him at place. Going wild in his cavern, tasting every nook and cranny.

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