8. 겁나

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Gyuvin checked himself once again in the mirror, fixing his clothes, brushing his fingers through the already set hair. It was evident that he put more effort in getting ready, and his roommate did not miss the opportunity to tease him about it.

"Never have I seen you try so hard to impress a date." Said Gunwook, Gyuvin's roommate for about a year.

"Well, never have I dated Ricky before." Gyuvin replied without any hesitation, his shameless boldness made the other wanna gag.

"Ew, you're not even trying be subtle, hyung!" Gunwook laughed.

"Been looking forward to this night for a long time, Gunwookie, I'm super excited." The older male said, checking himself one last time in the mirror.

"Well, go on then. Enjoy." Gunwook winked, "The night's still young."

"Stop thinking about it, kiddo." Gyuvin joked, "You're too young for this."

"Yeah, sure!" The younger said, laughing, "Being a few months younger than you makes me a baby." Gyuvin clicked his tongue in response, and then, with a wave of goodbye, left the house. He did some smell check, making sure he had used the perfect cologne. He honestly liked his look, black outfit as per Ricky's liking, and then a white jacket on top. His brown hair was set nicely. He was sure Ricky would compliment him, so he couldn't wait to meet that man! Hence, the tall Korean man called a cab and headed towards his newly made boyfriend's house.

Ricky's house was well decorated. Gyuvin was surprised to see how much effort he had put because the last time he visited Ricky's place, it wasn't fillled with aesthetic artworks and fake plants here and there. The place was neat, nicely arranged and the owner, Shen Ricky, he wore a black shirt tucked in a pair of black pants, looking absolutely stunning.

"Hi." Ricky addressed Gyuvin, suddenly shy and unprepared.

"Whoaaa you're in all black in your own house?" Gyuvin teased, "You look cool though. Really handsome."

"Thanks." Ricky touched his arm lightly. They had met several times after that party night, but somehow, Ricky felt strange. Maybe because it was a supposed 'sleepover'. Wild thoughts were running inside his head, making him quite awkward to face his own boyfriend.

"Are these artworks- you drew these?"

"Yeah." Ricky acknowledged, "I put the good ones in frames."

"They're awesome!" Gyuvin admired a few of those, "You're so talented, Ricky ssi." He smiled warmly at the Chinese guy, who looked away cause how to stand still before that beautiful smile on that ethereal face?

"Is it me or does your house look different?" Gyuvin asked, "Cause I never knew it looked like this."

"I added a few things but... It's mostly just the same." Ricky answered, "Why? Didn't you notice before?"

"Uhu." Gyuvin said with a poker face, "I was too focused on your face to look at anything else."

"What the-" Ricky got flustered at the sudden rizz, and it made the other male chuckle who immediately took his hands and said, "Aish, look at you, where's the cool guy I fell in love with?"

"You're so dramatic." Ricky rolled his eyes, trying not to show his vulnerable fuzziness inside, "Come here, I've got dinner ready."

"Sure!" Gyuvin excitedly said, slinging his arms around Ricky's shoulders, clinging onto him all the way to the dining table. He didn't know, his action made the older male smile from ear to ear.

"What do we have for dinner?" Gyuvin asked in a child like voice, that was dripping a certain demand for affection. Ricky kept it mysterious, until he opened the lid and- the dinner was two full servings of steak and mashed potatoes. Gyuvin noticed, beside the expensive dishes, there was a bottle of champagne, still unopened.

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