13. 다른 춤

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(A/N- This is a full on smut chapter 🔞, for those who wanted a continuation from the last one.)

When Zhang Hao pulled away from Hanbin's lips, he looked unworldly- because his hair was still messy, his lips were full and red, glossy from both of their saliva, and his large eyes had hooded from the impact. Even his robe, since Hanbin widened the opening, showed a lot of his skin- particularly of his built, contoured chest.

That sight was to die for; at least for Hanbin who was already lost in the maze of magic named Zhang Hao.

So he grabbed Hao's robe and pulled him tighter, meshing their lips once again in an extraordinary union. Zhang Hao opened wide, cause Hanbin demanded so, and he felt the younger's tongue almost at the back of his throat. Hanbin was kissing him wildly. That's how he liked it anyway! Hanbin's hand was also at work, as they removed the robe from Hao's shoulders, leaving his chest completely in view. Had the belt around the waist not been there, Hao would have been fully naked by then. But in fact, the fallen robe barely holding on against his hips gave a sexier, sluttier sight, and when Hanbin pulled away again, he felt super satisfied upon seeing that.

So he immediately pulled Hao by his thighs, to carry him towards the bed. He felt the elder's semi hard member poke him on the stomach, which delighted him, knowing he had managed to leave an effect on Hao's enviable body.

He dropped Zhang Hao on bed, only to get on top later on. He immediately started feasting on Hao's neck. The after shower, bare and clean skin gave him a better taste and texture. And the marks were also more prominent. So, he did his work diligently. He kept sucking the elder's skin, leaving marks and moans of pleasure from the other. He also softly groped Hao's chest muscle, and then ran his palm along the side of his stomach, waist and of course, near the hip. He felt the belt touch his palm, hence, went to untie it. Zhang Hao didn't object, so soon, he was left exposed, with the robe under him, barely hanging from his hands.

And on his body were faint marks from their previous encounter. Hanbin smirked, knowing that no one else had touched the Chinese male in the mean time.

Hao was impatient, so he tugged at Hanbin's shirt with a frown. The younger took that off in a flash, leaving his petite, lean body in view, only in a pair of shorts.

For the nth time, Hao gasped at the view of that perfect body. It gave Hanbin an instant ego boost. So he gave Hao's waist a little slap and went down to kiss those lips again. Hao found the opportunity to grind against him, and it awakened the younger's member as well.

"Bin... I have something to ask." Hao said, panting.

"Yes, hyung?" asked the other male, pushing a strand of hair behind Hao's ear.

"If I wanna do it tonight, will you be okay?" Asked the older male. It took Hanbin about a second to realize, and a smile spread across his face, "You wanna top?" Hao nodded, "I don't usually do it, but tonight, I want to be the one."

"Sure then. Why not?" Hanbin got off the other, "Anything that makes you feel good, hyung, I'm willing to do it."

Hao stopped him by the arm, "Wait, you don't have to lie down, cause... I like when my bottoms ride me."

Hanbin smirked, getting on top of Hao again, "As you wish, babe."

Zhang Hao bit on his lower lip. The anticipation was killing him already, imagining Hanbin rocking on top of him. But what urged him to get into it more was the readiness of the younger to please him. Hao had slept with many men, but no one had been as considerate as Hanbin. And although, at first, he hated the obedience, with time, this is what he started looking for.

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