25. 촬영

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It's upto you if you feel slightly bad going to your partner's house keeping a low profile, but Matthew didn't think anything about it. He knew the underdogs were trying hard to make a news out of Jiwoong's private life, so he was cautious. Even though Jiwoong's address hadn't been disclosed, he still forbade his man to escort him, hence showed up in the morning on his own. Jiwoong however, gave him a heartfelt hug the moment they got behind the doors.

"My babyyy! I missed you so much!" The older male said.

"It's been a few hours though." Matthew teased, "How did you survive the Japan days, hm?"

"Trust me, I did not. I was dead tired, still, I wanted to see you, even if it's through the phone."

"Aww, you're so attached, ain't you?" Matthew pulled his nose, "But babe, you need to get used to it. I can't always be next to you."

"Hm... I guess." Jiwoong let him go, softly pecked his lips next, "Then let me make the most of the times we can spend with each other."

The younger man grinned, "That's why I'm here, genius."

Jiwoong laughed, they then went to the bedroom, to just sit down and talk. Jiwoong had so many things to talk about. How his life at Japan had been. Since he went to work, he couldn't see that many places. He wanted to visit those with his boyfriend. Because Matthew, his eyes sparkled thinking about that magical county.

"Gosh! I really wanna visit Japan one day!"

"Hmm, I'll take you." Jiwoong pinched his cheek, "For honeymoon."

Matthew pretended to gag, but he felt good inside. Jiwoong knew that, so he kept laughing.

"Anyway, what did you have for breakfast?" Asked Matthew, to change the course of the conversation.

"Nothing." The other answered.

"Huh? You've been starving since morning??"

"Well, I wanted to eat with you."

"Gosh, why didn't you tell me before then?" Matthew sat up, "Come on, let's go. Let's see what we have to make something edible."

"Yes sir!" Jiwoong followed his man obediently, clinging onto his waist by a strong hold. Matthew rummaged through the fridge, gathering everything. Luckily, on the cupboard, he found some uncooked pasta. Therefore, the chef in him decided to cook it.

"Pasta for brunch." Matthew showed it to Jiwoong, "Hyung, you okay with this?"

"Mm. Anything made by you, I'm okay."

"Alright..." Matthew started his work. He wasn't being meticulous, but he was just so used to cooking for Jiwoong that everything went flawlessly. He knew how much salt Jiwoong needed, how spicy he wanted things, how much he could eat- basically everything. And Jiwoong had complete faith in him. He leaned his waist on the counter, watching the little man being his ultimate saviour. Seriously, what would he do without that ball of sunshine in his life?

"Umm, I think it's okay." Matthew tasted the sauce he prepared. Jiwoong didn't even have to validate, he got the dishes ready for the other. Soon, two dishes filled with delicious pasta were served on the table and the servers sat down to eat. As usual, Jiwoong loved the taste.

"Mmmm Mattchu, just marry me."

"What?" Matthew laughed.

"You're so husband coded!" The elder confirmed, "I can't wait to ring you up so that no one even thinks about taking you away."

The words made Matthew flustered, but he acted, "Just eat. Don't be dramatic."

"Nah, I'm being real. If I weren't going for the industry, I'd have asked for marriage sooner than this." Jiwoong replied.

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