32. 고통

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"You sure you prefer this over the nice and cool beach trip?" Jiwoong asked his boyfriend peacefully lying on his lap while going through his phone, particularly as he commented on a post of Hanbin and Hao enjoying their time in the beach. Since Matthew had declined the offer to join, he had been in his lover's place, spending a lazy day together. Hearing the man, he looked up, frowning, "No, I hate that I'm stuck here with you, old man."

Jiwoong laughed, pulling his cheeks in reply. "Calling me old, huh? Then do you need a new young boyfriend?"

"Hyung, it hurts!" Matthew moved his head, his cheeks were burning red. He glared at Jiwoong who was still laughing. "You look so cute like this, babe." He leaned down to kiss those cheeks, once, twice, again and again. Soon, Matthew was left with small giggles.

"Too bad, you're stuck with this old man forever." Jiwoong winked. Matthew responded by bringing his lips to touch the others' ones. Satisfied, he hummed, sitting up again.

"I wish I could take you someplace nice too." Jiwoong sighed, looking at the post from Hanbin. "Maybe one day, we'll be able to date freely- not in fear of losing fame or fans."

Matthew cupped his face, making soothing circles by his thumb, "One day, we will. If people love you, then they'd love you regardless of whom you date, don't you think?"

"Not everyone's as sensible as my little man." He brought Matthew's frame in a hug, "If they were, I'd have showed you off ages ago, my love."

Matthew closed his eyes, happily lost in the embrace. He really didn't need much, just the confirmation that Jiwoong wouldn't ever leave him. Because if he did, Matthew wouldn't know what to do, he was too attached to the man to even think about spending a day without being in contact with him.

They let go of the hug, and just stared at each other. It was close to noon, they should get up and make lunch, or just order for delivery, but sitting on the couch didn't seem bad. In fact, Matthew was about to lie down on Jiwoong's lap again, making it his comfort pillow while surfing through his phone, but was interrupted by a call on Jiwoong's phone. 'Manager Lee' was displayed on the screen.

Jiwoong picked up, respectfully addressing him. Matthew turned back to focus on his own phone until he heard the fear-filled voice of his lover- "What the- what on earth are you talking about!?"

Matthew got curious, so he looked at Jiwoong. The latter looked terrified, like not just worried, he was beyond scared. Matthew became progressively worried. Jiwoong stood up, brushed back the hair on his forehead, constantly wetting his lips. "No, this is- God!" He said, his voice was shaking.

"Hyung?" Matthew muttered, not really asking but standing up just the same way. Jiwoong spoke through the phone, "Yeah, I'm with him.... No... Alright, right now?..  Okay, I'm coming." He cut the call.

"What happened??" Matthew immediately asked, eyes wide open. Jiwoong looked at him, the light in his eyes flickered- to present a more terrified gaze. He closed his eyes, took his lips in a bite, as if holding the tears in, Matthew could swear he never saw his hyung like that. "Hyung?!"

Jiwoong took a deep, deep breath. Then he opened his eyes, a lot calmer. He held his lover's shoulders, saying, "I need to go to the agency. I'll fix it. So, don't worry at all, don't-"

"Fix what? What happened??"

Jiwoong didn't answer, he kept resuming from where he was interrupted, "Don't look at anything, don't try to find out what happened, okay? Can you promise me?"

"How- hyung, just tell me what happened, okay? I'm serious."

"No, you have to trust me, babe." Jiwoong's eyes filled up with tears, "You don't need to know this, please. Listen to me this once." He sounded desperate, "I promise, I'll make everything right. Just- just hold on, okay?"

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