41. 모델

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"Aren't you excited??" Ricky asked after taking a seat by his boyfriend, who was peacefully sitting on the couch, going through his phone. The topic of concern, the photoshoot they had done together not long ago. After the offer from Ricky's fellow senior, Gyuvin gave it a lot of thoughts, then decided that it wouldn't hurt to try posing alongside his boyfriend because well, he wouldn't like it if anyone else did it, right?

"Hm, I am." Gyuvin answered reluctantly. Honestly, he was excited, he just didn't want to show it, cause he would rather keep up the 'cool' image. Ricky frowned at that, "What? Why do you sound like you didn't jump 30 times from pure excitement after catching a glimpse of how our photos came out?"

Gyuvin chuckled. He remembered everything clearly. How he was breathing heavily before everything started. Ricky kept assuring him, even when he was having his hair and makeup done, his supportive boyfriend stood by his side, complimenting him over and over again. And then when they had to stand together, facing their backs, or just standing side by side, Ricky kept assuring him with knowing glances. Gyuvin remembered those all too well. He felt so happy, so blessed when his super handsome boyfriend posed for his solo shoot. How could he not get excited to see the results?

"Okay, fine. Yes, I'm excited!" He said, "I wanna see how the photos came out, but can we actually see them before they're officially out?"

Ricky winked, "What do you think??" The younger looked at him suspiciously, "Did you get the files from the agency?"

"Jeonghyeon hyung managed it for me." Grinned Ricky, "Edited and unedited, every single one."

"What!?" Gyuvin was surprised, "Dude, the power he holds!"

"I know." Ricky smiled, "Now come here." He went to his table where his laptop was lying open, "Let's see how our photos came out." Gyuvin followed him happily. The Chinese male downloaded everything beforehand, so he clicked open the folder and hundreds of different photos were seen. Gyuvin's eyes widened as he saw how meticulously pretty they both looked, in expensive clothes, jewellery and unbothered, sexy expressions.

"Wahh who's gonna say that's my Ricky standing there?" He pointed at one of Ricky's many solo pictures, looking deadly exotic as he took the corner of his hand gloves in a bite. The elder shied out, quickly changing the photo only to reveal an even sexier one, this time, his jacket was off one shoulder, exposing his fine, naked arm.

"You're gonna drive the nation crazy, Kim Ricky!" Said Gyuvin, who carefully took a hold of his boyfriend's shoulder.

"You're one to talk!" Ricky said, quickly clicking all the way to their couple pictures, one in particular caught their eyes. It was accidental. They were both standing next to each other, but at that exact moment, Ricky had decided to check on his man, so, the picture came out with a serious (sexy) looking Gyuvin and an adorably smiling Ricky who was looking at him. Gyuvin elbowed his man while looking at the picture, "Falling in love with me?"

Ricky elbowed him back, hiding the shy smile on his face.

They kept checking all the photos, and both were super satisfied with how they came out. Ricky ended up saying, "The comments are gonna blow up tonight, just you wait."

"Is the official release tonight?"

"Yup. Both online and the physical copy of the magazine." Grinned Ricky. "I can't wait to see how the world reacts seeing me with my boyfriend."

Gyuvin poked his cheek, "The world doesn't know we're dating, honey."

"Wait till they see our couple photos." Winked the elder, "Bet they'll start shipping us." Gyuvin only laughed in reply, hoping not to hear anything negative.

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