42. 뉴스

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Three pairs of eyes stared dead at the green +2 card lying on the table, on top of a pile of cards that had been revealed. It had been Zhang Hao's idea to play several rounds of Uno since him, Hanbin and Matthew all were free. It was the very first round, the +2 card was thrown by Hao, on whose right sat Hanbin with a cheeky face. For sure, he had a better card, and the ill fate was sure to fall upon Matthew.

"Seokmae~" Hanbin teasingly called, putting down a yellow +2 card on top, "Pick up 4 cards."

Hao carefully observed Matthew. He was so easy to read, cause soon, a smile broke on his face when he dropped the ultimate +4, grinning at Hao, "Hao hyung! Pick up 8!!"

"Are you being for real??" Hao almost whined. The two best friends giggled at each other. The game was getting fun! As long as you don't have to pick that many cards, it's more than okay.

"Aww, babe, don't worry, I'm sure you'll have some good ones." Hanbin teased, looking at the sulky face of his boyfriend. Matthew was thoroughly enjoying it.

"Pick up, hyung! Pick- oooh!?" He rejoiced when Hao dropped yet another +4 card on top, looking at Hanbin with the evilest grin possible, "Awe babe, the good lot will be yours cause now you'll have to PICK UP 12!!"

"Yayy!" Matthew high fived Hao, totally digging the other's distressed face. Hanbin looked at them both, boyfriend, best friend- in games, all are enemies!

"This is not fair! Why are you guys ganging up on me??" He asked. Hao and Matthew were still giggling and high fiving each other.

"We're not, this is called defense!" Hao said, "Now hurry up!"

"Yes hyung!" Matthew added to his wound by pushing the remaining deck of cards towards him to pick from.

"Matthew, not you too?" Hanbin said, pouting, "You know what.." he pulled out another +4 on top, "PICK UP 16 MOTHERFUCKER!!"

"Whaaaat!??" Matthew almost fell on his back, face red from shock and betrayal. Hao was laughing so hard! He started celebrating with Hanbin this time.

"Gosh! Bin! I really thought you're gonna pick up! You evil piece of shit!"

Hanbin laughed too, "How does it feel, Mattchu?"

"You guys are so bad!" Matthew whined, " Two boyfriends picking on an innocent young human being, so not fair!"

"Innocent!? You were laughing at me a while ago!" Hanbin said.

"Hyung! You're gonna make me pick 16!" The youngest of them said, "I can't even hold that many cards in my tiny hands!"

Hao and Hanbin laughed at his desperation again. With a pouty face and frowning eyes, Matthew started picking the cards up one by one.

"You seriously don't have any more +4?" Hao asked. The younger replied in the negative. This earned a sigh of relief from the other, "Thank God! I'd have to pick 20 otherwise!"

"I'm gonna get back at you, Sung Hanbin, just you wait!" Matthew glared at his best friend who was back in the game again. Poor Matthew, with 16 more cards, his hands were struggling.

"Color?" Hao asked Hanbin, who was about to answer, but the bell rang.


"I'll get it!" Matthew almost jumped up, "And we're restarting the game!"

The two boyfriends only exchanged glances cause they found the younger's sulking super cute. He was so serious and competitive when it comes to games, but he was adorably clumsy, unlucky even. However, the bitterness ran away when Matthew discovered his boyfriend at the door, holding lunch for all of them.

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