31. 지켜

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Although a bit tipsy, Zhang Hao realized that the commotion came from the same guys who bothered them back in the bar. He watched Hanbin calmly talking to them, hence used the opportunity to call security in case things went south. Things did get messy, when through the corner of his eyes, he saw one of them touching his man. Enraged, he was about to throw hands, but the other party acted first. One of them punched Hanbin's face who fell down, holding his mouth that started bleeding.

The urge to crush the violent man blinded Hao, who rushed ahead to return the same punch- filled with more aggression and strength to that guy's face, making him mate with the ground too.

"Don't lay your filthy hand on him, motherfucker!" He grimly said. From below, Hanbin watched in awe- that side of Hao was totally new to him. He tugged at the latter's hand, when he sensed that the others at the door were about to attack.


"Stay back." Hao suggested, taking his stance. Now he looked quite feeble at times, because he liked to submit to others, you would want to protect him- simply because he gave off that vibe. But beneath all those, Zhang Hao was a strong, brave man, who knew well where he stood. Before those drunkards' unorganized attacks, he knew him alone would be enough.

Surprisingly, he actually was, when another man tried to punch him. He blocked it and returned with a kick on the balls, making him crouch and back down. Hanbin quickly stood up, pulling his man back, "Stop. Don't fight!"

"They started first!" Hao said angrily, "How dare they do this to you?!"

Hanbin felt like a princess being pampered; he liked it honestly. He was worried about Hao, however, he couldn't deny, the man looked hella sexy like that.

The distraction gave the other team an opening, one of them pulled Hao by the shoulder but the latter had good reflex. He dodged the punch and hit the other's abdomen with his knee, as harshly as he could. Once again, Hanbin was left wide eyed. Damn! He thought he was the hero there.

"Leave." Hao commanded, seeing the team standing back but still shameless enough to try to attack. The leader or what it seemed stared at them with a dark gaze, "This won't end well." He declared, then called his men to abort. Hao mocked them as they went back, on the way they were met with the security he had called before.

"Sir, is everything okay?" One of them called. They were kinda late, cause the Chinese guy had already shooed them away. So he waved his hand, saying that it's fine. His bigger concern was Hanbin, since his lips were still bleeding.

They closed the door after the chaos was over. Hao turned to his man, who was blinking and hissing at the pain after touching the slit.

"Mm- don't touch it." Hao scolded, pulling his hand down. He examined the wound. Not that deep, but blood clotted around it, that should be cleaned.

"You shouldn't have tried to talk with them nicely." Hao said, "Look what they did."

"Hm... Should have let you be in charge." Hanbin pouted, "Clearly, you're not weak like me."

Hao chuckled, pressing a little on the would that earned a whine from the other, "Go sit down. I'll get the first aid kit."

The younger listened. Soon, Hao returned with clean cotton, soaked it in water to clean the dried up blood, carefully. It didn't hurt that much, especially as Hanbin stared at his man doing his work carefully.

"You never fail to surprise me." He stated. Hao looked up, smiled on his own.

"No, really, I wouldn't have imagined- you were like- the coolest man I've ever met."

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