39. 더럽게 (2)

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(Continuation from last chap. Kinda hardcore smut 🔞)

With his legs spread, Hao watched his lover stare at him with a look of love and ownership. Hanbin was still fully clothed, but his desire was naked, on display. Hao could see through those eyes, and he knew exactly what the younger wanted. So, he pushed his hip forward, a little bit upwards as well. Hanbin took a glance at his eyes, then smirked. He grabbed the leash and pulled Hao's face with that, then put a messy kiss on his lips. Afterwards, he whispered in Hao's ears, "Hyung's gonna eat your ass now. Be good for me."

Hao gulped. He was highly stimulated by those words. Hanbin went all the way down his thighs, then pushed them over his shoulder. His face was, thus, without any interruption, near Zhang Hao's hole. He could see the contraction and expansion of the muscles there, excited to welcome whatever was to enter. Before using his mouth, he teased his man by running the tip of his index along the circular rim.

Hao's body jerked a few times when the finger played with him, without getting in as a whole. Hanbin soon put his mouth there, licking the spot a few times before spreading the cheeks and pushing his tongue through. Hao moaned loudly when he felt the wet fleshy tongue play on his brown lovehole. The younger was also intentionally loud while doing it. He strongly held Hao's thighs, yet, felt the shivers every now and then.

"Ahh... Babe..." Hao moaned, but his last word alerted Hanbin. He soon broke the contact between his mouth and Hao's ass, sat up with a strict look on his face. He grabbed the other's chin in a single hand, "Is that how you're supposed to call me??" He instantly slapped the other's butt. It was so rough and loud, Hao hissed from the sting, but also loved how it felt. A bit more precum trickled down his dick.

"Sorry.." he said. But that didn't seem to satisfy Hanbin. So he took his spanking paddle and used it to hit Hao on his butt cheeks again.

"Sorry what!?"

"S-sorry hyung!" Zhang Hao obediently said. For the time being, that seemed to satisfy the younger. So he put the paddle down and got back to what he was doing, impressed at the red, slightly swelled up marks on his lover's skin.

He continued kissing Hao on his ass, sometimes up to his inner thighs. His kisses were rough and stimulating, the perfect example of pleasure with pain, and Zhnag Hao wanted all of that. He kept shaking his legs, showing how much he loved it. Hanbin lifted his head to pay a little love to the cock, that was wet with all the pre-release. With a smirk, he held the hard, sensitive length, chilling Hao down his core.

"Fuck!" Hao cursed under his breath when Hanbin licked the tip with his tongue, tasting the salty taste of the plasma like liquid. However, the trace of that was gone when the younger took the whole thing in, pressing his cheeks around it as he went up and down. Hao dropped his head back. He could still feel the coldness on his ass from Hanbin's saliva, now it was his dick and it was so warm and comfortable- he really couldn't think clearly. The joy and beauty of a hard fuck had always been his cup of tea, and when it came from Hanbin, the guy he loved, trusted, submitted himself to- it really was the best.

And he was washed away with these thoughts, hence uttering, "Hyung, faster!"

Once again, Hanbin stopped. He didn't seem to like how he was commanded when it was supposed to be him doing that.

'Fuck!' Hao thought. He didn't want to be naughty, but the mere thought of being punished worked more like a pleasure point. He watched the dark eyes of his man, saying, "Don't wanna be good to hyung, huh? Fucking slut. I'll show you what you should get for being a brat."

Hao anticipated, expected what was presented before him next. A leather flogger, a whip to be used on him. Hanbin sat in front of him, giving him almost ticklish slaps at first, demanding an apology or better addressing.

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