10. 영상통화

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One of the things about being far from each other is the immediate urge to text or call the loved ones once you have time, for Jiwoong, everyday after his shooting's over, no matter at what time of the day or night, he'd call his boyfriend. And funny things is, Matthew would pick up every time. It doesn't even matter where he would be, cause he knew, his time with Jiwoong had gotten limited.

That day, Jiwoong called Matthew at around 9 pm. He got on his car after work and immediately dialled in his lover's number. As usual, Matthew picked up.

"Hyung! How was work today? Are you tired??"

"Mattchu I missed you so much!" Jiwoong said. He might look reserved and calm, but all his inner childish antiques came out before his lover. He heard Matthew speak from the other end, "Me too!"

Jiwoong's manager was with him in the car, so they couldn't go farther with love talks, Jiwoong casually shared details about his day and Matthew talked about his. The ride to Jiwoong's place wasn't that long, so after a few minutes, Jiwoong got to his room with the call still running. He fell down on the bed, and requested for facetime. Matthew accepted, so in no time, they were looking at each other through the screen.

Jiwoong smiled as soon as he saw the pretty face of his guy. Matthew looked so cozy and homely in his sleeveless vest, he wanted to hug the man, but it was impossible at that moment, so he felt sad. He looked tired even with all the makeup on. Matthew pouted seeing him like that, "It must be hard working so long in the set, right?"

Jiwoong tired not to make him worry, "A little. But it's fun too."

"Did you eat well?" Matthew asked.

"Hm, we had hamburgers for lunch." Jiwoong was lying on his back, so he held the phone up, to show his face from a good angle. Matthew on the other hand, was lying on his stomach and his phone was held directly before his face. He put a hand under his chin, saying, "I wish I could lie next to you."

"Come here." Jiwoong extended his hands, Matthew smiled, rolling over the bed in response.

"How long till it's done?" Asked the younger male.

"Still a long way to go." Jiwoong sighed, "It's a full length drama, so.."

Matthew tried not to sigh, so he forced a smile and said, "With that face, your drama's gonna blow up, hyung. I already saw tweets about your looks, they seem to like you a lot."

"Thanks." Jiwoong smiled, "Too bad, I'm already set for someone."

Matthew beamed in happiness at that, but said, "You don't let go of a single chance, you flirt." Jiwoong chuckled. The younger continued, "Go take a shower, you've been out all day."

"Hmm..." Jiwoong sat up, "But I don't wanna stop talking to you, babe."

"Me neither." Matthew pursed his lips but the solution was too simple, which he pointed at, "Keep it on then. You do your routine, let's still talk."

"You're right." Jiwoong happily stood up. Matthew giggled watching his 'big baby like boyfriend' at work. Jiwoong grabbed a towel and went to wash his face. He set his phone against the mirror, and continued washing his face. Matthew took the scope to say whatever. He usually isn't organized while talking to his favourite man. Jiwoong never minds. In fact, that's one thing he likes about Matthew. The trust and comfort.

Once he's done washing his face, it was time for the shower, and that's where things got tricky. But they made it work. They always do.

"Babe, imma shower now. Do you still want to see me or should I switch to voice call?" Jiwoong asked, knowing fully well what the answer's gonna be.

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