26. 시작

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"There you are!" Zhang Hao almost instantly grasped one of Hanbin's arms who had just showed up after suddenly being called for a meet up. Like Hao called him in the morning, asked if he had free time, like lots of free time and then asked to show up and accompany in his work. Of course, Hanbin could never say no to the Chinese guy. So he picked up a white tee, a denim jacket, some baggy jeans and a tote bag; then set out in his car. He met Hao in front of a 24/7 convenience store as proposed earlier by the other one.

"Hi." He shortly asked, "Did you wait long?"

"How are you gonna make up if I did?" The other went a little sassy.

Hanbin thought, "Ice cream, maybe?"

Zhang Hao chuckled in reply, "Let's just go and buy stuff with me." He pushed Hanbin towards the store. The latter initially thought Hao would buy snacks or something, he didn't know but it was a pretty strong guess. So when Hao actually went to buy canned meat adm veg, he was kinda baffled. More when the elder asked him, "What do you want for lunch?"

"Uh- fried rice?"

"Eh? That's boring though." Hao said, "But okay."

Honestly, Hanbin just said whatever came to his head. Hao was still tightly holding his arm, dragging him every time they changed places, making him push the cart. He was confused, since they still had some things uncleared. He couldn't predict Hao's actions. It might seem like an ordinary shopping date, but knowing the Chinese, Hanbin knew there was a catch. And it kept bugging him.

"How about you?"

"Hm?" Hao was kinda surprised by the younger's question.

"What would you wanna eat?"

"Oh.. the same as you." Smiled the Chinese male. Hanbin shrugged, not feeling quite right, however, following whatever the other guys was doing. They took the bags, at first loaded them in the backseat of the car, but once they got in, Hao changed his mind.

"Bin, go and store those bags in the trunk."

"But those are fine on the backseat."

"Yeah, I still want them in the trunk though, so go and put them there."

"Okay..." Not sure why but Hanbin did. Then after he got back, they headed towards Zhang Hao's place. Once there, Hao took off all the bags, unpacked everything and sorted out the ingredients needed to make fried rice. He instructed the younger to cut the vegs, going to do the rest himself. However, Hanbin wasn't that good a cook, since Matthew often cooked for them both back in their shared apartment.

"Ahh, not like this!" Hao complained seeing the larger than usual pieces. "You need to cut them into smaller pieces- like this. See?" He demonstrated a few times. Hanbin made an 'o' when he understood. "Okay, okay, I got it now."

"Good. Now do it properly." The older guy said. Throughout the whole cooking process Hao scolded him a lot more times. Those weren't serious, but if you stretch it, you might get annoyed. Hanbin who had put a 'favoritism filter' on, didn't mind. Even when Hao added too much soy sauce in it, he didn't complain. It might just taste sour, why bother?

Soon the dishes were served, thay ate happily. Zhang Hao did some nitpicking, but Hanbin didn't agree. To him, food prepared by Hao had already won.

"Bin, put these in the dishwasher. We're gonna binge my favorite movies now." The Chinese man demanded. Like a good boy, Hanbin did as told. He returned to an impatient Hao waiting for him on the couch, before him on the TV, 'Crazy Rich Asians' was paused.

"Come here! Hurry!" He waved at the younger. Hanbin sighed. He watched the movie at least five times since it released. He stayed quiet though, since Hao said he'd binge watch his favorite movies. Wait. Movies. Plural.

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