17. 믿음

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It was almost 12 in the noon when Ricky walked out of Taerae's house. Since they stayed up almost until dawn, he didn't wake the elder up from the kinda deep sleep he was in. Ricky remembered the conversation from the previous night. He felt quite bad for his friend. But anyway, Taerae would probably have to live through it, so all he could do was to support him anytime.

Ricky realized he had a blunt headache as he blacked out for a second when he got in the car. However, taking a few sips of water and shaking his head, he started driving. The ride to his house wasn't long. So soon, he parked his car and unlocked the door. In the back of his head, he expected what he saw, yet, it shocked him.

In a very good way.

Cause on his couch, holding a few roses was Kim Gyuvin, sleeping with a frown.

Ricky immediately took out his phone, and realized he hadn't turned it on.

'So that's why he came straight to my house.'

Ricky smiled. Gyuvin must have managed a ride to his house in the morning, he even thought about bringing roses- was he there to apologize? And, he was sleeping. So he also stayed up late in the night. Was he worrying that much?

Ricky didn't want to wake him up, but the sound of his footsteps in the previously calm house woke the younger up anyway. He did a little take of where he was; as soon as he saw Ricky, he jumped up on his feet.

"Ricky! I'm sorry!" He quickly wiped the corner of his lips and showed the roses. His voice was groggy and strained, "Please, forgive me. I hurt you and was wrong and-"

Ricky raised his hands, saying, "Take a breath, I'm not going anywhere. Speak slowly."

"Alright." Gyuvin huffed and cleared his throat. He also took a few steps to stand face to face with his boyfriend, "I'm so sorry, babe. I shouldn't have reacted that way, and I... I should have listened to you, cared for your feelings."

"You said I was acting like a child." Ricky pointed out, "That it's not a big deal, that I didn't trust you enough."

"I know, Gyuvin looked regretful, "I've... Done a terrible thing. I couldn't control it and took my frustration out on you. I realized minutes later, after I thought it through. But when I went back, you were gone. And I looked for you, called you. But you turned your phone off, so I..  I had to wait till morning to find a bus, I was so worried."

Ricky sighed. It didn't make sense, how fast his mind was healing. The words from last night that stabbed him deep started feeling more blunt with every word of Gyuvin during that time, and it was alarming, how huge an effect his lover had on him.

Gosh, Ricky for sure was a softie.

However, he tried one last time, "You hurt me at my weakest spot, Gyu. I shouldn't forgive you so easily."

"Right, you shouldn't!" Gyuvin immediately agreed, "So I've prepared myself. I- I'd do anything you want! Like anything."

"Anything?" Ricky raised one brow.

"Yes, anything you want that is humanely possible for me."

"Then... How about no touching me for a year?"

"Cool." Gyuvin sounded determined, which shocked the other.

"Really? You'll be okay not doing that for an entire year?"

"If it means you'll forgive me and trust me again, then yes." Gyuvin said, "I can wait. For as long as you need."

And that was it. Maybe Ricky was too weak to keep up with his resolution. But it was Gyuvin, his lover, his weakness, and the man who said all these nice things, so he had to accept the apology. Therefore, he took Gyuvin's hand, "Come with me then." He took the man all the way to his bedroom.

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