15. 반전

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Ricky loves dates with Gyuvin, probably a bit too much, which often made him get to the agreed place earlier than expected. Like when he went to pick his boyfriend from the house at least an hour early- Gyuvin hadn't even showered. Ricky felt a little apologetic that he couldn't help the excitement, the other found it cute anyways. He asked Ricky to stay and wait while he went to finish dressing up. At first, Ricky was just scrolling and getting bored, but luckily, Gyuvin's roommate came to say hi.

Park Gunwook- Ricky found him very cute for the few encounters they had. A tall and handsome boy, with an intimidating first impression but that vanishes when he smiles an adorable gummy smile like the happy guy he is. The duality fascinated Ricky so much that he quickly bonded with the friendly junior.

"Ricky hyung, hi!" Gunwook excitedly spoke.

"Oh, hey, Gunwookie." He smiled, "What's up?"

"Cool." Gunwook shrugged, taking a seat, "Going on a date?"

"Hm, shopping." Ricky answered, "Wanna come along?"

"What? No." Gunwook chuckled, "It's your date, I don't wanna be the third person."

"Oh right." Ricky mumbled once, but then excitedly asked, "Then do you want anything?"


"Anything- like clothes or food or accessories-"

"Hyung!" Gunwook said laughing, "I get that you're rich! You don't have to flaunt it like that."

Ricky tsked, "I'm not flaunting, just willing to get you something."

With a shake of his head, the younger said, "Thanks hyung, but I'm okay."

"Alright, fine." Ricky sounded a little disappointed as he unlocked his phone again. But Gunwook distracted him soon, "You can get me something though."

"Really? What?" Ricky asked, his eyes shining.

"Um- it's about one of your friends." Said Gunwook, "Who went to the movies that day."

"Mm.. Taerae hyung?"


"Okay, what about him?" Ricky looked a tad bit confused.

"I was wondering... I mean, he looked kinda upset that day, so does he have like- some sort of problem going on?"

"Not something I know of... Why? Did he say something about it?"

"Nah, he avoided it." Gunwook said.

With a shrug the Chinese guy spoke, "Then maybe he was just tired, I don't know."

"Hm.. Is he with someone though? Like in a relationship?" Gunwook casually asked.

"No, he's single." Ricky said. "Why are you asking though?"

"Oh, just-"

"Cause this guy right here is bewitched by your friend!" Gyuvin, who had just finished showering answered on his roommate's behalf upon hearing the last bit of the conversation.

"Ahhh! Hyung!" Gunwook whined, "I was being so smooth, why did you have to ruin it??"

"Wait what?" Ricky glanced at Gunwook's and then Gyuvin's face, "You- you like him?? Already?"

"Tsk, not 'like' already, I'm just- curious." The younger defended himself.

"He wants you to arrange him a date with Taerae hyung." Gyuvin answered, "Now come on, how hard was asking that?"

"Aish! You evil Kim Gyuvin." Gunwook murmured.

"So that's why... Huh?" Ricky smirked, even elbowed Gunwook. The younger tried to stay unbothered but ended up smiling too. In the end, he dropped all the act and said, "He seemed really cool.. and yeah, he looked kinda upset,so I.. I guess I just wanna get to know him."

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