36. 푸른색 밤

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Ricky isn't very good at keeping secrets, especially from people so close to heart. Although he didn't tell Gyuvin that there was an unexpected guest joining them for the dinner, the younger knew something was up. Ricky definitely did not act like it was their usual couple dinner.

"You keep checking your phone, you know?" Gyuvin said, when they were halfway through their route.

"I do? Well... Not anymore." Ricky locked his phone, without actually answering.

"I'm pretty sure you have something up your sleeves." Said the younger, relaxing on the taxi seats. Ricky only shrugged. Staying quiet would mean spilling less, but it also solidified the other's suspicion. Yet, before reaching the restaurant, Gyuvin didn't come to know. Only when they walked through the private aisles of second floor, to reach the table that had been booked, did he notice the presence of a third person. He hadn't met the guy in person, but that face- he knew it well.

"Ricky, hi!" The man enthusiastically greeted, "And you must be Gyuvin-ssi? Kim Gyuvin?"

"Yeah." Gyuvin bowed, "Nice to meet you, Lee Jeonghyeon-ssi." He exchanged a glance with his boyfriend once he stood up. Clearly, Ricky didn't tell him before that they were going to meet his senior.

"Take a seat, both of you! You don't mind if I talk to you casually, right?" Jeonghyeon asked. He was shorter than them both, had a very comforting, cheerful aura surrounding him. And he was really handsome! Thin body, defined jawline, pretty lips. Gyuvin could tell what the company looked for- because somewhere he saw the similarity between the guy and Ricky.

"Not at all!" Ricky ensured. The all took seats as told, and then he spoke again, "Hyung, did you wait long?"

Jeonghyeon waved it away, "Just got here, about two minutes before you two." He offered a warm smile and shifted his attention to Gyuvin, "So, how long have you two been dating?"

Gyuvin snapped his head at Ricky. Jeonghyeon knew?? He thought his boyfriend went as far as to conceal his name from the entire industry- how come his senior knew about their relationship?!

Seeing him shocked to no bounds, the oldest of them chuckled, "So you didn't tell him yet, huh?"

Ricky joined in, "No, not yet."

When Gyuvin was about to ask what it was all about, Jeonghyeon spoke, "Ricky told me about you yesterday. Before that, I only knew you as his friend, but he clarified that you're boyfriends and honestly- you guys look so cute together!"

Gyuvin looked at his man once, then a silly smile formed on his lips. He bowed his head in gratitude.

"No but really, I mean, when Ricky said you're handsome, I was like- hm, how good can it be, but you're actually really good looking."

"Thank you, you're one stunning man yourself, Jeonghyeon-ssi."

"Just call me hyung." Jeonghyeon said. He was so easy to talk to, didn't feel like he had been in the industry for such a long time, known and admired by so many people. Gyuvin kinda realized why Ricky had been so fond of him. Lee Jeonghyeon really was a good man. They talked about themselves for a while, then about Ricky and how he did some cute mistakes here and there. At this part, Gyuvin totally bonded with the model- since they both laughed over a red faced Ricky who was seemingly out of the world cute.

All of a sudden, Gyuvin found his jealousy and insecurities a tad bit childish.

Their meal arrived, Jeonghyeon who was a regular in the said restaurant pointed out the good ones in excitement. According to him, knowledge about good food should be shared with people- keeping it inside is a crime.

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