43. 행운의 부적

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Matthew pulled Jiwoong when the lasting kiss on his lips turned a bit too intimate. He parted his lips, giving access, Jiwoong used that by pushing his tongue in, licking inside the mouth, skilfully, like he was used to. They were on the bed, Matthew in Jiwoong's shadow, clasped between his arms. For a while, they kissed with no other contact in between. Just lips on lips, noses touching each others' cheeks. But soon, Jiwoong moved his hand to sneak inside his lover's shirt, playing over the stomach where Matthew felt ticklish. So he giggled, and the kiss turned sloppy.

"Hyung!" He complained, Jiwoong only smirked, continuing the feathery tickles. Matthew squirmed underneath, trying to free himself, but Jiwoong had a good hold over his body.

"It tickles, hyung!"

"So?" Jiwoong smiled slyly, but spared him off the sufferings. He rather went back to kiss that mouth, but this time, his hand went back to the other's bum.

Matthew yelped when he felt Jiwoong's cold hand sneak through his trousers, and touch his round bottom. In fear of saying something obscene later, he quickly said, "They're next door, hyung. We can't be doing it now."

"Why not?" Shrugged the older guy, "You said they once did it while you were next door."

"Yeah, but that was unintentional." Matthew said, "They didn't quite realize I'd hear it all."

"Well, don't you wanna get back at them?" Jiwoong spoke in his ears, "You said you had to cover your ears with a pillow all night."

Matthew hit his man on the chest, "You're evil. How is this fair?!"

Jiwoong pouted, "Babe, I wanna do it tonight. Why do you have to think about them?"

"I'm not thinking about them, honey." Matthew pulled Jiwoong's nose, "They'll tease me to death later."

"Then just reply with words they used that night." Jiwoong winked, "Don't you remember? 'Bin, faster, God! Hanbin! You're a fucking beast-' Ouch ! Why are you hitting me?"

"Shut up!" Matthew said, "Ew, that was so embarrassing! I couldn't look at them normally for like two whole days!"

"Yeah I know." Jiwoong laughed, "You kept complaining to me." Seeing as Matthew shook his head, Jiwoong cupped his waist, and said, "So what I'm trying to say- you have stronger material to tesee them about. Stop worrying about tomorrow. Remember to keep it down, and we're good to go."

Skeptical, Matthew asked again, "You won't ask me to get loud midway, right?"

"Not a chance!"

"Okay then. Help me if I suck at keeping it down." The Canadian man gave in. Jiwoong smirked. With eyes full of lust, he went to kiss his man again, and his hand found its way inside those pants again, rubbing the skin on the cheeks and teasing the partition every now and then. Matthew could already feel shivers down his body, all the way to the tip of his cock that semi hardened from Jiwoong's tongue scavenging every drop of saliva from inside his oral cavity.

The kiss was messy, made lewd sounds but still tolerable. Until Jiwoong's fingers started groping on the muscle on the younger's butt, leaving red imprints all over. Matthew loved it. It made him feel closer to his man. Gave him a sense of submission, made him proud that it was only Jiwoong who could do that to him. And he knew, Jiwoong would do that with him only. Cause they were constants of each other.

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