21. 설렘

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"Oh my God! I missed you so much, hyung!" Matthew spoke in Jiwoong's neck, still feeling like he was in a dream cause why would his man be standing outside the door at 1 in the morning? And how did he not have a single clue??

"Me too, babe, me too." Jiwoong took the younger's smell to his heart's content. The warmth, the smell, the bodily touch- all those which couldn't be felt through the screen, Jiwoong was basking in those. They let go of the hug shortly, and Matthew asked, "How come you're here? The shooting's done?"

"Yeah, we finished earlier than expected." Jiwoong smiled, "Our team would be there for one or two more days but I seized the opportunity, bought plane tickets and now I'm here." He poked Matthew's cheek, "To see you."

Matthew felt a surge of joy inside, so he hugged Jiwoong again, on his tippy-toes. This time, the other lifted him by the waist. Hanbin watched in amusement as the two lovebirds finally united.

"At least get inside?" He teased, "Geez!"

Well, neither Jiwoong nor Matthew paid heed to that. They walked in though, with the younger giggling and squirming in his boyfriend's hold. Jiwoong dropped him soon, then greeted Hanbin, "How's everything going for you, Hanbin ah? All good?"

"Mm, yeah." He lied, he didn't wanna use up their time by explaining. "Pretty good."

"Cool." Jiwoong replied, then focused on his man again. Hanbin got the hint. So he left them after small exchange of 'goodnight's.

Jiwoong held Matthew by the waist, that's when he noticed all the sweet goodness on the couch.

"Ice cream?" He asked, "Is my bae upset?"

"Do I only have it when I'm sad?"

"Mostly." Jiwoong said.

"Well, it's for Hanbin hyung, but that's a long story." Matthew said, "You must be tired, why don't you take a warm shower first?"

"Hm? Right now?" Jiwoong hugged Matthew in his chest, "But I still haven't recovered from my Matthew deprivation."

"Hyung, you're always so extra!" Matthew chuckled. It was true though. Jiwoong could have showed up in the morning, but no. He had to rush to see his man directly from the airport. Good thing his manager was supportive of it, or else he'd have to sneak his way through in a cold, dark night.

Jiwoong let go of the hug again, then leaned down. Matthew understood, so he pushed his chin forward and puckered his lips with a small gap, meeting Jiwoong's in the midway. It's been days since they had kissed last. And it felt wonderful! They both realized how deprived they were of each other. Matthew grabbed Jiwoong's neck, Jiwoong lifted him again by the waist. This time, Matthew locked his legs around the other's hips. Jiwoong effortlessly carried him to the bed, then dropped him. They didn't lie down, just sat and kissed each other to their hearts' content. Even after they parted, Jiwoong couldn't stay still. He cupped Matthew's face and left stray kisses everywhere.

'My love, you don't know how lonely I felt without your sunshine smile lighting up my day.' He kept thinking. Although not conveyed in words, Matthew could tell what he was thinking about. So he intertwined his fingers with Jiwoong's, trying to show that he was there. He would always be there.

"Okay, okay, I get it, big guy." Matthew teased, even slightly pushed the other, "But you have to eat and rest, okay? So go take a shower and I'll get you some fruits. You're allowed to have fruits, right?"

Jiwoong nodded. He had to go through a strict diet, but cheating once, that too with fruits wouldn't hurt.

"Alright." Matthew said, standing up. Jiwoong wanted to bombard him with kisses again, but well, the younger was right. He needed food, shower, and obviously, some rest. So as he went to use Matthew's washroom, the younger went to get him some fruits. It took the latter a few more minutes to return with nicely cut mangoes and some strawberries. Jiwoong had kept his hair dry, otherwise, he was done showering.

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