27. 기회

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"So, we'll be taking our leave first." Ricky said to the gathering of people close to him after uni- as you have already guessed, to Zhang Hao and Taerae, since Gyuvin was clinging on to his arms.

"What's the rush?" Hao asked, Gyuvin replied with a wink. He had planned a dinner date with his boyfriend and Ricky requested to style him for the night, so they had to leave early. However, Hao misinterpreted it to something nasty, so he gagged, making everyone laugh.

"Take care and have fun." Taerae shortly said, soon after the two younger males left. So it was only him and Zhang Hao left.

"So, hyung? Any plan?" Asked the younger, "Wanna go grab something to eat?"

Of course, Hao had his own plan. The first ever proper night out with Hanbin. He felt guilty somehow, to be doing it without telling his friend who was once wronged by the same man. Honestly, if he weren't so weak for Hanbin already, maybe he'd have chosen his friendship.

Yet, wouldn't telling Taerae about his relationship first be the right thing to do?

"Taerae yah." He took both of his friend's hands, which kind of took the latter off guard. With a small laugh of confusion, he responded with a small 'eo?'

"I..." Hao thought for a while, this is not going to be easy, "Hyung has something important to share."

Concern spread across the other's face, making it evident that he cared for his hyung. "Okay, I'm listening."

"It's uh.. it's about Hanbin."

Taerae stiffened. What about him? Did he hurt his friend?? "What did he do?" He asked with a strong frown.

"First, tell me one thing." Said the older male, "If I ever decide to go out with him, would it be okay with you?"

"Why not?" Taerae chuckled, "Hyung, I told you before. What he did with me is in the past. If he treats you right, I don't have anything against you two dating." He said with a small pause, "But if he hurts you, I'm not gonna let go this time."

Hao stared at his friend, gratitude washed over him. He probably couldn't be as chill about it as Taerae, probably be salty as fuck if his best friend started dating his ex crush knowing all those shits that happened between them. A part of him still ached that he chose to be with Hanbin despite all that, but he also believed in that man, he knew Hanbin's not the same naive guy he was back then.

"Hao hyung," Taerae said again, "I know how you feel about him. I've seen you that night, running after he kissed some random man. If you already like him so much, don't worry about me. I'm happy if you're happy with him."

"I'm so sorry, Taerae. I really don't know when it happened. But he's just.. I really like him."

You might expect Taerae to feel a pinch, but he did not. Surprisingly, he felt relieved. Like some burden was lifted off his chest. All these years, he kept hating Hanbin, but now he would be able to put a closure to that chapter. Now he'd be able to admit that he did not lack anything, he had just been unlucky. That Hanbin is not someone he should be broken about, he felt strangely happy to be able to let go.

"And I bet he likes you too." He said, pointing at their front, where Sung Hanbin was anxiously waiting for his boyfriend. Once they made an eye contact, Hao gestured him to come closer.

"So we've started dating since last night." Hao finally revealed it to his friend, having Hanbin standing right be his side. Taerae gave them a smile, a wish to last for a long time.

"I hope I could fix what I did but-"

"Mm, let's not talk about the past, Hanbin hyung." Taerae said, interrupting the said male, "Just remember to treat him right, and we're all cool."

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