4. 시도

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"It's because you ditched me first!" Zhang Hao fruitlessly tried to defend his sudden 'disappearance' with Hanbin to his cousin. Him, Ricky and one of his closest friends, a Korean male named Kim Taerae had gathered together for a meal, right after the party night. Of course, Ricky would bring that topic up, and Zhang Hao, being sober and all, felt shy to talk about it. He did go a little overboard with Hanbin, but that was just a wild-night thingy. A one time, forgettable memory.

"You guys were too shameless!" Ricky replied, "You expect us to stand there and witness how you seduced him?"

Zhang Hao lightly hit his cousin on the arm, "You just wanted an excuse to take Gyuvin away."


"I think so too." The third male there, Kim Taerae spoke. He had missed the party despite being invited as Hao's favourite junior, but he could picture the whole scene since he knew his friends well. "But I bet hyung was being just as eager."

"Yep!" Ricky offered a high five to Taerae. Zhang Hao rolled his eyes in defeat.

"By the way, tell us about your progress with Gyuvin." Taerae said to Ricky next, "Did you finally confess?"

"Um... Kinda?" Ricky shyly smiled, "I mean, he also... was interested in me all along."

"Finally!" Taerae looked at Zhang Hao, "Hyung, your plan succeeded!"

"What plan?" Ricky asked.

"Why do you think I invited Gyuvin and his friends to my party?" Zhang Hao raised his chin in pride, "Say thanks to me."

"Wahhh." Ricky uttered in disbelief, he felt grateful nonetheless. He had a hunch that Gyuvin was into him, so, to be able to speak his heart out was good. Really good.

The three males talked about Ricky and Gyuvin and then went on about random stuff until a fourth male decided to accompany them. To no one's surprise, it was Gyuvin, who came to meet his new boyfriend, Ricky.

"And the lover boy is here." Hao teased his cousin who immediately smiled upon seeing Gyuvin. The latter smiled back, taking a seat next to Ricky, subtly putting a hand on his thigh. He greeted both Hao and Taerae before handing over a can of zero cola to the oldest man there, "Hanbin hyung got you this."

"For me?" Hao was a little surprised, so he totally missed the teasing look from Ricky.

"Yeah, he said it's for the ehm, night." Gyuvin made a quick eye contact with Ricky who suppressed a smile. Taerae who didn't get that, asked, "Is this Hanbin whom you slept with?"

Zhang Hao nodded shyly. Although for a split second, Taerae's expression was quite on the negative side, he waved it away soon, managing to say, "Bet he wants that again."

"Bingo!" Gyuvin answered instead, "Hanbin hyung wants to meet up with you, if you can manage after uni today."

"Um..." Hao hesitated. He usually didn't like to associate with his one night stands. Maybe if Hanbin himself approached on his own, he'd say no. But Gyuvin was Hanbin's close friend, and also recently got together with Ricky, so he didn't wanna turn them down entirely. "Alright. You have his number?"

Gyuvin happily shared Hanbin's contact with him. For the rest of the meal, they chatted and laughed, well, until Gyuvin made a lame excuse and took his man away. Taerae had to leave too, and so, Hao was left alone with the memories of everything that happened. That included Gyuvin's message- an offer from Hanbin.

He unlocked his phone, and found the recently added contact. He thought about texting that number, saying that there's no need to meet, that they didn't have anything to do with each other, but then again, Hanbin had bought him a drink, he should at least say thanks, right?

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