3. 첫째

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Bagging the host of the party for the night was a pretty smart move from Hanbin's part, because Hao took him to the best room for the night. His personal room, that he kept locked all along. His room was neat, filled with elegant furniture. The color of the walls was silver, a common but nice one. The decorations weren't too much, in fact, Hanbin could tell Zhang Hao was quite a minimalist, even though he appeared to be sufficiently rich.

As the door closed, Hanbin resumed the intimacy by holding Hao on his waist again, partly on his naked skin. Zhang Hao smirked, making a slow and suggestive move towards the other, stopping at merely inches from his face. Hanbin keenly read his moves, looked at his whole body again. He was exotic! Hanbin was checked out the same way, he saw a smile of satisfaction on the Chinese male's lips, before those met his ones. They both inhaled a huge amount of oxygen, almost simultaneously, before wrapping those lips together, in an alternative tangle, before strongly pulling each other even closer.

Hanbin's hand was already on Hao's waist, which he put to use to move upwards, underneath the top to feel the warm skin on the other's back. His skin was soft, but those muscles were firm. It was a given that he kept in shape due to constant effort. His back was bent at the perfect angle to make his waist smaller than usual. And the long furrow was pleasant to touch, so Hanbin did. He lightly caressed the skin, but then pressed on the muscles from time to time. Zhang Hao responded by doing the same to Hanbin, but not on his back, not even under his clothes. His hands were just grazing over Hanbin's shirt, to feel the way he was shaped at his front.

And their kisses- messy, intense, loud. Neither of them tried to hold back, so they kept going deeper in each other's mouths, teeth clashing, tongues colliding. Zhang Hao's hands moved upwards, to grab Hanbin's throat and press on it, making him choke. He moved back immediately, coughing out. Hao looked a little apologetic, "Uhm... My bad."

Hanbin laughed it away, but didn't forget to tease him, "You like it rough, don't you?"


"Sadist?" Hanbin asked, still smiling.

"What? No!" Zhang Hao said, "It was a whim of the moment."

Hanbin shrugged, moving closer again, "I'm down for anything, so let's continue." He pressed his lips on Hao's again, and pulled his body up by holding him around his bottom. Hao grabbed his shoulders for balance, until he was dropped on the bed with a soft thud and a bounce of those soft mattresses. Hanbin put his knees on both sides next, crawling ahead as Hao moved back. Their lips were clasped together sloppily as they adjusted their positions. Once they were all set, Hao grabbed Hanbin's clothes, "Take it off."

Hanbin obeyed, with a wink and a smile, "Sure, princess."

His shirt was off, leaving his petite, perfect body on display. Yes, Hao himself was more mascular, but he loved skinny people. Hanbin was just perfect. He had everything, and holy shit! Did he have those tattoos on his body all along? On his tricep and also, the chest? Hao did sleep with men with tattoos but Hanbin's were cleverly placed, making him sexier if that's even possible.

His hand naturally moved to touch the sun on Hanbin's chest, only his fingertips touched the skin, giving the younger male a shiver of tickle. Hanbin smiled, "You seem to like them."

"Hm... They're gorgeous."

"And I?" Hanbin asked. Hao clicked his tongue, "I am yet to see the rest of you, so..."

Hanbin smirked, he really liked Hao's way of talking. He wasn't perfect at pronouncing Korean, but his words were all right and well placed. It's cute, and also quite meaningful.

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