20. 후회

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"I'm telling you, he talks about you every day." Gyuvin said about his roommate, trying to convince Taerae to go on a date with him. It was a small gathering of four people during their common off period. Zhang Hao, Ricky, Gyuvin and Taerae. All of them were doing happy small talks, and at the mention of Gunwook, Taerae even looked a little shy.

"You're blushing!" Ricky exaggerated, "Dude, are you also interested in him??"

"I'm not. You're assuming things."

"No, but Gunwook's a good looking guy." Zhang Hao added, "He can make a potential boyfriend."

"Hyung, not you too!" Taerae protested.

"What? I'm just saying." The oldest of them said, "Go meet him once, if you don't like it, just call it off."

"Yeah, please do so, he's been asking me everyday!" Gyuvin acted as if he was being suffocated. Ricky hit him on the arm, in disbelief. When Taerae was shaking his head, trying to think of another way to say no, he suddenly felt Zhang Hao stand up and say, "Guys, I'll leave first."

Before anyone could say anything, he scurried off, vanishing from view sooner than expected. When Taerae looked at the other two to ask why it happened, he saw the reason- Sung Hanbin- walking towards their table.

'Oh shit.' Taerae figured what had happened between them, and he knew Hanbin would call him to talk. He silently cursed himself for sharing everything with Ricky that night. Everything started because of that conversation, and now, Hao was probably avoiding Hanbin.

Hanbin reached the table, with a very grim expression on his face. Without addressing or greeting anyone, he looked directly at Taerae and asked, "Do you have some minutes you can spare? I need to talk to you."

"Me?" Taerae pointed at himself.

"Yeah, will you please- give me a few minutes?" Hanbin asked, a lot softer this time, "I need to talk to you, alone."

Finding no excuse, Taerae stood up. Hanbin walked ahead, the other silently followed him away from the otehr two.

"What's the deal between them?" Gyuvin asked Ricky, "In the movies, they went to talk alone, and now- don't you think it looks strange?"

Ricky shrugged, "They're school mates. They may have stuff to talk about."

"Yeah, but... Hao hyung left and immediately after, there's Hanbin hyung. And he didn't even talk to any of us. I think something happened."

Ricky nodded silently. He hated keeping it from his boyfriend, but he already made a huge mess, plus he knew Gyuvin would take Hanbin's side, so he found it better not to say anything.

"Did they have a fight?" Gyuvin asked, "And does it somehow involve Taerae hyung?" Gyuvin wodnered aloud, "Wait- they're school mates, right?! Do they have a past? Like they used to be enemies or even worse- exes?"

"Okay, I'll tell you!" Ricky quickly said, before the younger could go berserk with his imagination. With a sigh, and a promise not to spread the news, he filled his man in with all the secret Taerae shared with him that night. Gyuvin grew quite fidgety and agitated and by the end, knowing how it caused a fight between Hanbin and Zhnag Hao, he became sort of angry.

"Why would you say it to Hao hyung!?" Gyuvin asked, "That's not your place to say it to him."

"Why not?" Ricky asked, "Don't you think it's wrong of Hanbin hyung to keep it from him?"

"Yeah, so? It's something they should have solved on their own, why would you interfere?"

"Do you think your hyung would ever say it to him?" Ricky sounded angry as well, "He was hurting Taerae hyung and yet pretended like it's nothing."

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