38. 더럽게

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"Ain't that kinda risky though?" Zhang Hao asked, who had been invited to Hanbin's place late at night because his roommate had gone to visit his boyfriend in scerecy. Hanbin shrugged. Since Jiwoong decided to fuck the agency and visit his man with a careful camouflage, he also started growing some nerves, so much that he called Matthew to wait at his place because meeting Matthew at his and Hanbin's shared house wasn't convenient enough. Of course there was a high risk of the agency or worse, the spies finding out, but they honestly stopped caring that much. Even Matthew, who'd always put Jiwoong's dream career before everything, seemed to be convinced by Jiwoong's bravery- that it didn't matter even if he lost the job had he always received the support of his close ones.

"It is, but they don't really care anymore." Said the younger.

Zhang Hao took a seat on the couch, then said, "I don't know if it's good or bad, but it's upto them I guess." He leaned back, leaving his weight on the headrest, "And why am I summoned the moment you got an empty house?"

"Should I have called someone else?" Hanbin who took the seat next to his boyfriend, asked. Hao raised an eyebrow, "Do you want to?"

"Of course not." Smiled Hanbin, "Just needed your company, babe."

"Hm... Did you ask if I want it though?" Hao cheekily said, "I could have had important topics to cover up, could be having a test or an assignment, or-"

"Babe, do you not like it here?" Hanbin complained, "Why does it sound like only I wanted this?"

Chuckling, Hao pulled his boyfriend's cheek, "I'm just kidding baobei. I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to, right?"

In glee, the fake pout on the younger's lips only tormented his stern image. Hao found him cute enough to chastely kiss his cheek.

"Alright, what do you want to do, hm?" He held the younger around his waist while asking. Hanbin pretended to think, as if he hadn't already pictured one of their usual nights. "How about we do that?"

Hao cocked a brow again, "That? You only need me when you're horny, huh?"

"What- NO!" Hanbin immediately said, "If you wanna do something else, I'm always here for it, don't say it like that- it makes me sad."

Hao was enjoying it a lot. "Why do we always end up doing that though?"

"It's cause... You're so fine I can't keep it in." Hanbin said, "You can just tell me if you don't want to. It's not like I'm a man with no control."

"Hm... Then let me think..." Hao started playing with the hem of Hanbin's pants, "You haven't really played around the edge of a cliff lately." He tsked, "I'm kinda bored of your gentleness, Bin."

Hanbin waited, to hear where the course of conversation was going. Hao didn't disappoint, "Show me why I should keep doing it with you every night. Give me a new dimension." He winked. Now this, this is what Hanbin was talking about. If he gets horny every night thinking about his boyfriend, then Hao too, knew how to feed his fantasies.

"You want it rough again?" Hanbin's eyes glittered, "I can do that so well, babe."

"Don't just talk then." Hao shoved his fingers inside Hanbin's pants, the tips tickling his skin. Hanbin asked, "Oh so you want it right now?" He broke into a wide grin, "Then babe, you're gonna have to wear what I tell you to."

"Strong from the get go? Okay." Hao stood up, retracting his hand, "Gosh, if only people knew how fucked up their gentle Sung Hanbin is."

"People who know the real me knows it though." Hanbin said, "My friends do."

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