2. 입맞춤

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"Can't believe Hanbin hyung's so shamelessly direct!" Ricky said, as they stepped out of the house.

"He's kinda like that, doesn't hesitate when he wants something." Gyuvin replied. They escaped the other two not long ago. Zhang Hao's place had a beautiful backyard, so Ricky asked him to watch the night sky together. Of course, Gyuvin agreed. He'd literally go anywhere with the guy he had a huge crush on.

"But are you okay with it?" He asked, "I mean with your cousin sleeping with my friend?"

"Why won't I be?" Ricky chuckled, "It's their life, their decision. Why? Do you think I'd be bothered?"

"No, I just wanted to ask anyway. You know, to play safe." Gyuvin replied.

"To play safe?" Ricky laughed again, it wasn't loud, surprisingly, Ricky's laugh was soft and melodic, adding to his delicate persona.

"Yeah." Gyuvin tried to subtly step closer to Ricky. He didn't expect his hand to touch the other's one, although he liked once it did, cause Ricky didn't take his hand away. "I don't want to upset you." He added, "In fact, from the very beginning, I never wanted to make you feel uncomfortable with anything that associates me."

Ricky gave him a smile in reply. Their first meet happened in the uni. Nothing dramatic, nothing romantic. Just two guys passing each other and thinking, "Damn he's handsome." They then met through a common friend, and this time, they had a conversation.

Gyuvin liked him. Not just his face- his successful attempts to look cool while he's just a softie at heart, his broken Korean, his adorable English, his pretty smile, painted eyes. Gyuvin loved talking to him too. Just a day, and he wished he had the man's contact number.

Ricky was just as mesmerised to have known the soft looking, goofy Korean man. Gyuvin was awkward at first, and he had large, curious eyes, but his smile's so warm and he's a person with good sense of humour. It was fun talking to him. Just like the other, he too wished to get closer. But he probably was more introverted, so it had to be Gyuvin who asked for his contact from that common friend.

And then it's all smiles and butterflies. Everyone could tell they were both interested in the other. They flirted regularly, met up whenever they could. All that's left is to put a label to what they were doing and maybe just get physical. They had done everything else.

That night, in Zhang Haos backyard, they both thought about the same thing- should they cross the line?

Ricky held Gyuvin's hand first, to convey that he had never felt uncomfortable, rather, the presence of the handsome Korean male- he so looked forward to. However, he changed the topic to a new one, "This place is nice."

"Yep." Gyuvin agreed, "All that's needed is a pool."

"If there was one, we wouldn't be able to stand here in peace." Ricky said. He felt the other let go of his hand. For once, he thought he did or said something wrong, but next thing he felt was how Gyuvin went behind him, and for the first time, held his frame in a bear hug.

"You're right." Gyuvin said, breathing in the smell of Ricky's cologne, "This is better."

Ricky couldn't fight the way his lips spread into a stupid smile. He held the other's hands around him, dropping his head lightly in Gyuvin's neck. They had never gone beyond holding hands, so it was giving them both more than it should. Ricky felt strange in his guts, Gyuvin was, if not intentionally, breathing out on his neck, and the warmth sent chills down his spine.

"Do you like it?" Ricky asked. Gyuvin smiled in reply, and then did something that seriously affected the Chinese guy. He left a kiss on Ricky's neck.

"I like it a lot." Gyuvin said, when he realized that Ricky did not feel repelled by the kiss, "And I like you too." He kissed Ricky's cheek next. The latter only turned, to grab Gyuvin's face. He stared at those large puppy eyes, and then, in the blink of an eye, pecked his lips. Gyuvin looked very shocked at first, but soon, a gentle smile formed on his face. He pulled the other in a warm hug, speaking in his neck, "So does that mean you like me too?"

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