35. 냥

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Hanbin literally dropped 80% of his weight on Zhang Hao the moment the door to the latter's apartment was opened. Quickly grabbing his waist with strong hands, the Chinese male asked, "Whoa, easy there, Bin!"

"Missed you so much!" Hanbin replied instead, standing straight, draping both arms around Hao's neck.

"We talked last night."

"Virtually." Hanbin pouted, "That's not enough."

Hao chuckled again, lightly pulling the younger's nose, "Well, I'm here now. Is it good enough for you?"

Hanbin responded with a smile and a quick peck on his lips. He let go for a split second just to close the door behind, then took themselves towards the couch. He sat down, pulling Hao to fill the space next to him, and held his waist again.

"You really missed me, huh?" Zhang Hao asked. The younger's head, by then was on his shoulder, who nodded, "Very much." A small giggle left Hao's lips, before it died down and he asked, "How's Matthew though? I thought you're supposed to take him outside today?"

Hanbin's eyes glittered as he answered, "Kim Jiwoong gave him a visit last night."

"Really??" Excitement glinted in Hao's eyes as well, "So is everything-"

"Sadly, no." Hanbin said, "He had to sneak out after midnight, and go back before dawn. I saw him when I woke up for a glass of water. They were on the couch, fighting sleep, looking so happy!"

"They deserved that happiness." Hao said, "I'm so proud of them- even after everything, they believe in their love for each other."

"Hm.. if only the world was less cruel..." He left a sigh, "Anyway, it's thanks to them now I can spend the entire day with my boyfriend!"

Hao giggled, pulling the younger's nose again. Hanbin scrunched his nose afterwards, pretending not to like it when in fact, he was grinning. He pulled Hao up, who was surprised by the sudden lift, and then was placed on the younger's lap. For support, he held Hanbin's neck, his chin pressed against the latter's head.

Hanbin stared from below, Hao looked down to meet those eyes. The stare was so full of affection, adoration, admiration- he felt a little shy.

"What are you looking at?"

"You." Hanbin smiled, "Your beautiful face." He moved up and sniff kissed Hao's cheek, "Your breathtaking eyes, full cheeks and cherry lips."

Zhang Hao's way to deal with sudden beat skips was to laugh it away, so he laughed, "What are you even saying?! Cheesy!"

"I'm being real." Hanbin smiled, again, one full of affection, "I can look at your face all day, baobei." Hao couldn't laugh the tingles away this time, maybe the nickname did it. He moved a strand of hair behind Hanbin's ear, saying, "I can do the same actually. You're so gorgeous, I can keep looking at your face."

They both looked at each other, awed by the trueness of the words spoken. They felt each other inching closer, slowly, taking their time to see each other more clearly, in the special angle only they had access to for the rest of their lives. Their lips met, in rhythm. Just a small, one time tug at each other, Hao's lower lip inside Hanbin's, whose upper lip was gently tasted by the former guy. Then it was over, they returned to staring at each other, which Hao broke soon.

"Have you eaten?"

Hanbin shook his head, "I woke up, showered and came here."

"Not even breakfast? This guy!" Hao tried to stand up, but was stopped by the hold on his waist.

"Don't go." Hanbin said.

"I need to prepare something, you're hungry."

"We'll order it." Said the younger, "So please, stay. I really missed you for the last few days."

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