28. 축하

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To celebrate the airing of Jiwoong's first ever full length drama, the actor had invited all his close pals in a private dinner room of a sophisticated restaurant. It happened one day after the airing of the first episode, because he had been jam packed on the first day with lots of activities with his co actress. The invited are, naturally, the lover boy Matthew, Hanbin and Gyuvin who were like the best buddies of Jiwoong, and their other halves cause Jiwoong's a romantic man. Yujin had been there too, and he sat next to his brother's boyfriend. Lastly, since Matthew had a budding friendship with Taerae, who was also 'seeing' Gyuvin's roommate, both were invited to the dinner.

"Whatever you say guys, hyung's makeup was on point!" Gyuvin said first, about Jiwoong's appearance in the very first episode.

"The makeup artist was pretty meticulous." Jiwoong replied.

"And the chemistry of the main couple though." Gyuvin continued, "If I were Matthew hyung, I'd have hated it."

Matthew chuckled, "I love it though." He leaned towards Jiwoong, "That means he did a good job."

A collective 'eyy' of teasing him was heard, even Yujin joined them. Jiwoong was the only one who pulled his man and kissed his temple in response.

"You guys have too much PDA!" Hanbin exclaimed. A protest was immediately heard from Matthew, "And you picking all the good pieces for Hao hyung, what is that?"

"Gunwook's doing it too!" Hanbin said, "See? It's a normal thing to do for your boyfriend."

"But we're not boyfriends yet." Gunwook said from a corner seat, emphasizing on the word 'yet'.

"Yeah, yet." Said Ricky.

"So, when is it happening?" Jiwoong asked Taerae, who shook his head from shyness. Gosh Gunwook changed him a lot. He used to be the bold one.

"Anytime soon." The latter winked. Everyone once again whoa'ed together. With little talks like this, they started eating their meals. Jiwoong and Matthew's attention was mostly on Yujin, the others had their partners to focus on. It was really a quadruple date night with Yujin, kinda cute if you ask me.

"So, are you going home after this?" Hanbin asked Jiwoong.

"Mm, I don't know if I'll be able to visit them later on."

"And Matthew?"

Jiwoong looked at his lover, then with a proud smile, said, "Yeah, my parents asked to bring him along. They said they miss him."

Matthew smiled shyly while Gyuvin teased, "They love him more than they love you."

"Sometimes, I think the same way." Jiwoong replied.

"That's because hyung makes us delicious food at home." Yujin said, "You only know how to eat."

Matthew high fived the younger, Jiwoong stood there with a defeated smile. Hanbin made a quick eye contact with Hao. Matthew would leave with them, that means they'd get full acess to the shared apartment. They both had the same thing in mind.

Finishing the meal, they raised a toast to wish for the success of the drama, for obvious reasons, Yujin had a glass of sparkling water while the others had drinks of their preferences. They took sips of their own, then slowly, after a lot more talking, the dinner came to an end. Gyuvin and Ricky headed towards Ricky's house first, Hao and Hanbin to Hanbin's, but after a little stroll outside. Jiwoong took out his car to take his brother and boyfriend home, which is a pretty long drive, but he had people he loved to talk to, so it would be alright.
Gunwook wanted to drop Taerae, but the latter took responsibility this time. So they were seen taking a taxi to Gyuvin and Gunwook's shared house.

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