7. 쇼핑

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Meeting a popular Chinese senior after uni two days back to back definitely caught attention of some overly nosy students, especially as the escort was also very handsome. Hanbin noticed eyes on him, and shuffles around when Zhang Hao showed up, looking stunning even after a whole tiring day of attending classes. A smile formed on the younger male's face, who immediately welcomed the exotic man, "Hey!"

Zhang Hao waved at him happily, "Hi! You really came?"

"Yeah, I promised." Hanbin answered in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Thanks a bunch!" Hao gave Hanbin a side hug, and immediately heard giggles from around them. He frowend, looking everywhere. There were people around, and their eyes were fixated on them.

"Are we being looked at?" He asked Hanbin who pleasantly smiled in response, "I think they noticed me picking you up for a couple of days." He went close to Hao's ear, "They may think I'm dating Mr. Popular of this uni."

"As if!" Hao chuckled, lightly hitting Hanbin's arm. "Let's go, we have clothes to buy."

"Yup." Hanbin offered him the first seat in his car, holding the door open for him. Zhang Hao got on with a small eyes roll, watching his extra politeness. Hanbin got on later, driving off as directed by Hao.

They reached a popular shopping mall a few kilometers away. After parking the car, they walked inside. Both were in their clothes from the very morning, but neither of them looked bad, in fact, anyone watching them would turn their heads twice cause damn! They were hella attractive. Hanbin paced up, only to find Hao struggling. Looking at him carefully, he realized, Hao was limping lightly.

"Hao hyung, are you in pain?" He asked, gently holding the other male's waist. Although the latter gestured a 'no', Hanbin insisted, "Is it because of last night?"

Hao sighed, "A little."

Hanbin immediately looked disheartened, "I'm sorry, I-"

"Ssh!" Hao placed his index finger on Hanbin's lips, "Don't be sorry, it was a fun night."

"But you're hurt." Hanbin looked upset.

"It was bound to happen." Hao whispered, "But the pleasure's worth this pain."

Hanbin smiled a little, "If you say so... But I'll make sure to ease your pain after we're done from the next time, okay?"

Hao couldn't help smiling back, "Okay, as you wish." He couldn't help feeling giddy inside. He had wild sex with guys before, but Hanbin was.. his entire being was kind and considerate. Hao really tried to generalize it, but his subconscious self thought he was special. Because throughout the entire walk, Hanbin was slow and careful.

Their target was to buy a top. Hao had already checked the online collection of one particular store, and he had made a short list. He wanted to check the clothes physically before settling for one. It doesn't need saying that he's quite weak at decision making, so he asked Hanbin to help him choose one. There were a few, mostly of light colors, Hanbin's eyes got stuck in a particular white one. It was a flowy silk white top, with small hoops at places, and two extensions giving the impression of wearing a necktie. He figured, that on Hao's slim body, it would look great.

"How about you try it on?" Hanbin suggested.

"You like it the most?"

"For now, yeah. But I'll decide after you put it on."

"Okay." Hao agreed, and took the top to the trial room. Once he came out wearing that, Hanbin already liked how it looked.

"Does it look good?" Asked Hao, lifting his hands and giving him a full 360° rotation. Hanbin thought for a while, then said, "Wait..." He helped the elder tuck the ends of the top inside his black skinny jeans. Hao's waist was tiny, Hanbin knew it well, simple cause he had seen the man naked multiple times. But when his fingers brushed against the top as he pushed it in, he felt the skin over the silk fabric, it was so different and holding that tiny waist gave him something so weirdly satisfying. He turned the man, and the nicely shaped bottom was seen perfectly because of the jeans. Hanbin dared himself not to stare, cause how could he not? Zhang Hao's figure was captivatingly perfect. Once the top was tucked in and adjusted, he looked unworldly. Hanbin couldn't but stare, how can a man be so fine??

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