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Nanon's pov-

Mom I'm going to school I yelled while stuffing my bag with my books as my mom come out from kitchen she handed me my lunch box and I smiled at her taking the lunch box from her hand.

Listen Nanon I will be late tonight because I have to prepare dinner. She said and my smile went little and I looked at her mom can't you work at another house? Why you have to work at chittsawande's mansion I said and pull up the bag on my shoulder Nanon they pay us good amount and because of them you're studying in well high school she said while showing her bright smile.

Mom you know I never wanted to study in that school. Do you have any idea everyone just wants to show off how rich they are and students like me is always ready to get bullied I said and a deep sigh left my mouth.

Nanon you should focus on study once you will find a good job I will stop working at chittsawande's mansion she said with little upset tone.

Yeah yeah I know you treat them like your own family I replied her rolling my eyes they also treat us like their family Nanon why you hate them? She asked and I scoffed I don't hate mr and misses chittsawande I hate their brat son ohm pawat I said with little anger.

That ohm boy. I hate him so much why? Because he never miss a chance to troll Me or bully me but mom doesn't have any idea about this because i never let her know because she have put her all efforts just to get me admission in that school.

Mom and ohm's parents are really close to my mom and I'm glad they treat my mom nice.

But I hate that ohm always make fun of me that my mother work at his house, and God knows how I Handel everything at school because expect my two friends everyone just wants to take my life I mean they never let me live in peace.

Enough you're getting late for school my mom said and I left the house immediately.

Because my dad left me and my mom we are in bad condition like we need money to feed our stomach. My dad left mom after saying her he never loved her I was only 8 year old when he said that to mom.

I hate my dad because he left us like we was nothing to him. he didn't even care for me for once. Thanks to Mr chittsawande he gave us a small house and work. because it's been 10 years my mom working at their mansion they trust on my mom so much. OK I don't really have any problems with Chittswande but their one and only son ohm pawat is pain in ass.

I never saw such a jerk like him. I know he never liked me neither I did. I know ohm never liked me and my mom but at least he don't show that in front of my mom, but he bullies me in school like Messing with my bags, pouring juice on my head, makes everyone to bully me.

Thanks to god I got two friend chimon and phuwin at that rich school or I would have living in hell.

And let me tell you I'm an male omega same goes to my two friends. Sometimes I wonder why moon goddess have to make me as omega why not a alpha. But fate is fate who can change that. I shook my head as I realized I reached at my school.

As I enter In school the eyes of everyone started to look at Me I know non of them wants to bully me but because ohm is more powerful than anyone they have to take his side.

Myself knows I'm beautiful with cute dimples because with female omegas alphas Also drool over me.

I have received many love letter but I wasn't interested any of them.

As I was walking through the hallway I felt a tap on my shoulder stopping me to walk any further going without me? I heard the voice and immediately turn around just to see my cute friend phuwin ,

Hah I'm correct at time. Said chimon who just jumped from nowhere, let's go to class then. I said and we 3 went in classroom.

As I step in class something fell on me, I shut my eyes in frustration because it was all trash and I know who did it. As I could hear everyone laughing and clapping their hands.

I sighed when chimon yelled. Shut the fuck up you all! They all went silent. Oh why should we? We're enjoying you useless omegas, said ohm in mocking way.

You fuck- chimon was about to throw his punch but phuwin held him. I slowly look up and saw ohm pawat smirking at me while seating on desk. I glared at him as he stood up and walked towards me while having his hands in his pant pockets.

So my maids son is so angry hmm? Ohm said leaning closer to my face but I didn't stop glaring at him. What's your problem with me? I asked when he raised his corner of mouth. You're a maids kid means a poor jerk ohm said and turn around facing his back to me.

As I always said it will happen everyday till I'm alive that's it you poor omega. Ohm said and glared at me then went back to his seat.

As he sat down and winked at me. When our professor also enter in he saw the mess and he already knew everything but just never dared to open his mouth. I mean I can understand ohm is just so powerful here.

Phuwin went and grab the small dustbin which was in corner. As he and chimon cleans the place and we three went to our seat.


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