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Nanon's pov-

I changed my shirt, and stuffed my dirty shirt in plastic bag. As I about to leave the restroom I heard my phone rang. I took out my mobile and saw my mom's caller ID I immediately picked up her call.

Yes mom?

Son when you're coming back home?

Right now. Why you are asking?

Nothing just come home okay?

Wait you was about to get late tonight right?

I come back early non!

Fine I'm coming back.

I cut the call and went out. Guys our lectures are done right?

Yeah. Should we go back home?
Chimon asked.

Yeah mom also called me and asked to come back home I should leave. I said to phuwin and chimon.

Is everything OK non? Phuwin asked

Yeah everything is alright she might be waiting for me I said and phuwin nodded.

We 3 left from college and get inside chimon's car he drove off.

After 20 minutes I reached at my house, I waved at my two friends and they drove off. I went towards my house and press the door bell.

Within seconds my mom opened the door, was you waiting for me?

Yes come in.

I went inside and sat down on couch and rubbed my temple. My mom come back with a glass of water. I look at her with confuse and shocked eyes is it for me? I asked and she nodded with a smile, she looks really happy, I sigh and grab the water and drank it.

OK now tell me there is something you want to say right? I said when she sat beside me. Non you know how I love to visit Japan for once.
She said with so much happiness.

Yeah so? I asked her, non Mr chittsawangdee is ready to take me with them even misses chittsawangdee also coming. She said and I can see how her face lit up.

That's good mom you can go. I said but her smile went little Down, but Mr chittsawangdee said that........

What? I asked seeing her panic face.

They asked if you stay with ohm ohm till we come back then only I can go with them... She said and I stood up. Mom how can you expect me to stay with that brat no! I will stay here at our house.

I said and about to leave , I guess my son don't want to see me happy for once. She said with so much sadness I stopped and faced her again mom I can do anything for you but not this please you know how much I hate their son pawat.

I said with little irritation, and why Mr chittsawangdee wants me to stay with ohm? I asked.

Because Mr chittsawangdee thinks you're well mannered kid and you will able to keep eye on him till we come back. Mom replied folding her arms.

Mom He is not kid anymore he can take care of himself. I argued this time.

Non even if ohm is not kid anymore he is spoiled kid. you know how Mr chittswangdee worried about his son. She said with soft voice.

Sorry mom I can't stay with him in Same roof. I said but mom made really hurtful face.

Fine! She said with silent Voice and stood up from couch and started to walk towards her bedroom.

Wait did I upset her? But I can't stay with ohm no matter what I just can't be with that boy. But mom said she wants to visit Japan urghhh whatever...... I said and went inside my bedroom.


The whole living room is silent mom having her food silently which she never did because she would speak whatever. I sighed fed up by her silent treatment which was only for 10 minutes. I put down my spoon and look at her fine mom I will stay at Mr chittsawangdee's mansion.

WHAT? She yelled.

I said I will stay with ohm you can go to Japan. I said when mom smiled brightly and pulled my cheeks aww I knew my non won't upset his mom she said pinching my cheeks more.

Mom my cheeks hurts! I said when she removed her hands from my cheeks and I touched my cheeks sorry I will tell Mr chittsawangdee she said and stood up grabbing her phone and walking away.

I left a deep sigh I accept the hell by myself I said and shook my head I continue having food when mom come back. Non Mr chittsawangdee wants to meet you tomorrow at their house, you don't have college tomorrow right so in morning you're coming with me okay? She said and I just nodded.

Next morning

Ohm's pov-

I woke up when I heard my sister milk yelling like a Manic, shut the fuck up milk or I swear to moon goddess I will throw you out of this balcony. I roared at her when she went totally speechless I glared at her and she smiled at me with her sweet smile.

Hia, mom is asking about you she wants you down in few minutes bye now! She said and left the room before showing her tongue.

I rubbed my eyes and again lay down just to hear my mom yelling from downstairs, I close my eyes in frustration and took long breath I stood up and went in bathroom to get fresh..

As I get all fresh and clean I went downstairs just to see my mom dad is talking with misses kirdpan I walked near the table but saw the looser omega Also there. I looked at him with confuse it's not like he never comes here he was here before many times but this 1 years gone he never showed up at my mansion.

Ignoring him I sat down besides dad. I again glanced at Nanon who is smiling at my mom who is serving him food made by her. He is showing his dimples he turn to look around so I immediately look away.

What's going on dad? I asked when dad stopped eating and nodded his head ohm I'm going to Japan tomorrow for business trip, and misses kirdpan also coming with me. Dad said.

What misses krdpan also coming then who will cook meals for me? I asked.

Look you have all freedom till I'm out of Thailand you can eat out do clubbing or even invite your friends at home but also Nanon is going to stay here with you so don't disturb him that's it.

What? Nanon here? Why he will live here? I can live alone dad.

I don't trust on you ohm and I'm not asking your opinion you have to live with Nanon till this whole month. Dad said and stood up fixing his neck tie he last sip on his juice and left from mansion.

I glared at Nanon who is looking nervous I rolled my eyes. Mom!

No excuses ohm. You better listen your dad.

Urghhhh fine. I stood up and left from there and went in bedroom just to wear my clothes and left the mansion ignoring the omega looking at me.

To be continued.....

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